Monthly Archives: December 2020

Happy 88th Birthday Nichelle Nichols!!

WE LOVE YOU!! Thank you for your talent, beauty, and your inspiration from all of us! Stay well and Safe! love,!

(GALLERY) Elf on a Shelf -Trek Style! The Finale! #’s 8,9,10,11,12 and So On!

Merry Christmas Eve Everyone! Sending you ALL the rest of my silly Trek-Style Dad-Joke Elf on a Shelves for your Holidays, as well as all the ones posted already! (I can’t believe I’ve made 20 of these!) Love you All and Wishing you a very happy, blessed and safe Christmas and New Years! Please let me know which are your favorites! See you in January! Hugs, Stay safe! – Therese xo

Elf on a Shelf-Trek Style #7

Hmm, I wonder what Miri wants for Christmas?

Winter Whopper in NYS

We interrupt our usual Trekkie stuff to bring you some Weather news…

Well, as some of you know, I live in New York State, not too far from Binghamton, NY. As you may have heard we had quite a whopper of a snow storm (technically a “Nor’Easter”) tear through my area on Wednesday night! Binghamton NY had a record 40″ in a 24 hour period, at times falling 5″ and hour!! We even made the national news! It started lightly on Tuesday afternoon, but by Wednesday morning, we woke up to this:


Front stoop

About 36″
There’s two cars under here on the driveway (hedge in foreground)
My brave husband! For reference he’s 6″2″.
This was after I dug out 2/3rds of the front walk – note the height of the snow on the roof!
Here’s my husband about to turn into the front walk to get the rest of what I dug out plowed!
I got a bit spattered by the snow spray!!
Our sons — we plowed so much we had to refill the snow blower!
The snow atop the cars was almost as high as the cars themselves!
Like digging out the Materhorn!

We were all pretty knocked out after all this snow work — it took about four hours!!

Wishing you a relatively safe and cozy winter season, and I hope we won’t see another one like this for a long time! But yeah…2020.

Elf on a Shelf-Trek Style #5 and #6

Two for one today! (So be sure to go to the post!) I dedicate these to my friend, actor David Frankham, who played Larry Marvick in the TOS episode “Is There in Truth, No Beauty?” Merry Christmas David! ❤

Elf on a Shelf-Trek Style Number 4

Sometimes I miss the analog age, but not this much! Be sure to use his nickname…

Elf on a Shelf-Trek Style! – Number 3

Sorry I’m a little late with this — I got busy decorating for Christmas yesterday (Sunday). More to come in the next couple of weeks!

Elf on a Shelf- Trek Style! Number 2

Who said there’s no rhyme for Uhura? (look it up!) *

Elf on a Shelf- Trek Style! Number 1

Hey Everyone,

It’s that time of year again, when every other friend on FB is posting a variation of ‘Elf on the Shelf’. So I figured I’d jump into the ever-growing fray of Holiday Dad Jokes and add my Trek spin to it. It may not be original, but it’s silly fun! Here’s Number One (of 12) I think I chose the most obvious… 😉

I’ll have one a day for the next 11 days! (or more if I think of any others!)