Monthly Archives: November 2016

Silver Fox Nichelle

Going through my files I just found this magnificent portrait of Nichelle Nichols taken in 2010! She is radiant! Her expression speaks volumes of an incredible life. I love this lady, hope to meet her someday ❤

18 Sep 2010, Calabasas, California, USA --- Actress Nichelle Nichols photographed outdoors in Calabasas. --- Image by © Frank Trapper/Corbis

18 Sep 2010, Calabasas, California, USA — Actress Nichelle Nichols photographed outdoors in Calabasas. — Image by © Frank Trapper/Corbis

My Weekly Spock – That Friendly Smile

Something that always makes me happy is seeing a great picture of Leonard smiling.  He had such a warm, genuine smile.  Weren’t we lucky he was a public figure? 🙂 For the rest of this year, I’ll post a pic of smiling Leonard every week!

FArFri: Uhura Can Do It! (by me! -Therese)

I made this earlier this month when I was inspired by the old Rosie the Riveter poster!   I hope to make more, but not sure how it would work with other female Trek characters.  But Uhura works wonderfully! Enjoy! uhura-can-do-it-scan-copy

50 Years Ago Today-‘The Menagerie’ (GALLERY)

Hey Kids,

Today is a special anniversary!  It was 50 years ago today, November 17, 1966, that Star Trek aired the first part of it’s only 2-part episode, The Menagerie, on NBC. 

The episode  conveniently helped keep production costs down by recycling Star Trek’s original pilot The Cage into a new story about Spock’s loyalty to his first captain, Christopher Pike. Pretty clever, actually, and aren’t we grateful for it! Gene didn’t want the pilot to be forgotten, and by making it the center of a new episode, it built up the canon of the original series.

But even more importantly, it offered first insights into Mr. Spock’s past, and revealed his devotion to his first captain, now seriously paralyzed, and willingness to risk court martial and even death to give his captain a better life.  It also gave us our first inklings into just how human this logical, stoic Vulcan could be. I’ll discuss more about it in a future post. But for now, I really loved this episode.   A shame there were not more two-parters made.

Do you have a favorite moment?  Here’s some images from the classic episodes – with my silly captions, of course! (Hmm, maybe I should turn this into a full fledged comic…)  But if you haven’t seen it, get thee to thy nearest streaming site! (Netflix, Amazon, etc)


Fun fact: Did you know that ‘The Menagerie’ and ‘Court Martial’ were filmed back-to-back? Maybe they had narrow window for dress uniform rentals! 😉

Remembering Leonard on COPD Day

Today, November 16, is COPD World Awareness Day. It saddens me to think of how many people have suffered with this condition, but what’s more, it is a mostly preventable condition. (unless genetic) Remember how Leonard stressed abstinence and quitting in his final year. He had said:

“I quit smoking 30 years ago; not soon enough!” …”If you smoke, quit now and if you haven’t started, don’t!”

To think that in his last hours, the poor man couldn’t even talk, his beautiful baritone  voiced silenced, his lungs closing up, is heart-wrenching. I’ll never forget when I saw him in NYC in 2013 how he had an awful coughing fit on the stage of Symphony Space.  This was before his disease was public knowledge, but I suspected that something was awfully wrong with him.   I’m sure had he survived he would still be promoting awareness of the awful diseases that are under the tent of COPD; emphysema and chronic bronchitis.  Please support the COPD community and in Leonard’s memory, please don’t smoke.  And thanks to his daughter Julie, for making this part of the conversation. ❤

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My Weekly Spock -Writer’s Strike

It’s important to stand up for what you believe in. Here’s Leonard at the Writer’s Strike of 1988.



Good Night America.

Friends, I won’t be posting for a while.  The events of the last 24 hours have left me so numb I will probably spend the next few weeks in deep prayer.

I am sickened and disgusted that this orange, arrogant, ignorant,  misogynistic, homophobic, racist will be taking over the reigns of my beloved country.  This man has no right to be anywhere near the nuclear codes.  He is a whiny overgrown toddler with skin thinner than an onion. Contrary to his continuous boasting, his is NOT smart, nor is he rational.   He has no respect for womanhood, he has no respect for anyone who is not white. He will reverse all the hope and good that came from the past 8 years and he has brought to the front the flagrant racism of white power.

I love my country, but I have never been an ‘our nation first’ kind of person.  I believe that every country deserves the right to live in peace and harmony, but I feel now that the nuclear clock is ever closer to midnight.  I cannot believe that so many people were suckered in by this racist bastard.  One thing I fear; the America I believe in will be soon plummeted into darkness. Trump will ally with Russia and is only happy to lick Putin and Kim Jong Un’s boots.  Our Four Freedoms here in America will slowly erode, as such:

Freedom of Speech:  Trump has already banned and mocked reporters at his rallies.  You can damn well bet that he will do his damnedest to remove any shred of disagreement in the media. He already has his Trump TV planned– I suspect it will become STATE TV.

Freedom from Want:  Not likely.  Trump will end or reverse all the programs that aid the poor. He will tax the hell out of the middle class and more.   He will keep the billionaires happy, of course.

Freedom of Worship.  Only if you’re a ‘Christian’ of course.  Jews, Muslims, Buddhist’s and all others need not apply.  He will drive out the Muslims, or very likely put them in internment camps.

Freedom from Fear.  I am more scared now than I have ever been in my life. Not just for my country, but for the world.  Trump will rout out anyone who disagrees with him.  And this is the man who asked not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES during a security briefing:  “Why can’t we use nuclear weapons?”

To the rest of the world, I am so sorry that my fellow countrymen were sucked in by this conman.  I am so sorry that our media gave this bastard free press EVERY FRIGGIN’ DAY for the past 15 months, and for all the fooled who crawled out of the woodwork to support him.  Apparently America is too naive to realize that it is NOT a good thing when one of the only papers to endorse a candidate is run by the Ku Klux Klan.

God Help Us.

To all my readers who voted for him, I will understand if you are offended by this post and decide to drop out.  I will not hold it against you.  I thank you for your time in the past.  But I’m afraid that under a Trump presidency, our future will be more of a Borg Collective than the tranquil solace of Vulcan.

May we all strive to Live Long and Prosper.  (Missing Leonard more than ever)   Love, Therese.

Update: (11/18) I added this meme sent in by reader Kid Charlemange, only modified it a bit to make it family-friendly (I totally understand Mr. Lincoln’s confusion) Thanks Kid. 🙂
