Tag Archives: cancer fund

Goodnight Dearest Yeoman – Remembering Celeste Yarnall 1944-2018

It is with a very heavy heart that I report today that our friend Celeste Yarnall has passed away. Surrounded by her loving family, she will never be forgotten.   She is forever remembered to us Trek fans as Yeoman Martha Landon in The Apple, but she was so much more.

Celeste and her beloved Nazim in 2013. Soulmates so happy together.

Celeste passed on Sunday night after a hellish battle with cancer which began as ovarian four years ago and evolved into lung cancer recently.  I can only imagine how awful it was when it was reported recently that she had non-stop coughing, pain, and mucus from the lung invasion.  When I read that she was in hospice, I suspected that she was soon to be on her final celestial journey.  I send my deepest condolences and comfort to her husband Nazim, daughter Cami, and granddaughter Gaby.  You were her rock and her heart.

I first became friends with Celeste through Facebook.  It was there I had learned of her cancer and I was determined to help her raise money through her cancer fund to help her with medical payments. I had sent her my interpretation of her Star Trek episode, The Apple, as a movie poster: 

She liked it so much, she printed it up big and displayed it frequently at her autograph signings!  I was so honored.  


Inspired, I created numerous Star Trek ‘funnies‘ depicting her in her role as Yeoman Martha Landon in The Apple with Trek characters encouraging donations, like this one:                                                                                                       I also like making artistic portraits of her as Martha the occasional collages for her business ventures like Bemer and Hemp Oil. She really enjoyed these, and was so gracious and thankful when she posted them on her blogs.   I hope they helped.

One of the first things I did after making Celeste’s acquaintance was making her a pretty peach floral pillowcase.  We often conversed through Facebook and I had the joyous fortune of several phone conversations with her, and we would talk health, family, and occasionally Elvis and Star Trek.   She was so funny and dear, and very passionate about letting people know about wellness and the promise of Immunotherapy, which helped her battle the ovarian cancer. She was comforting to me when I was going through my time with minor breast cancer,(Stage 0 – now free) which was nothing compared to hers.  But she understood my fears, and gave me comfort, which helped me through it. Forever grateful.

My only regret is that I never got to meet her personally.  I couldn’t really afford a trip to Las Vegas to see her in one of her annual appearances there.  If I had known this year’s would be her last, I’d have happily gone into credit debt to see her.  But that is life, and I am so blessed that I got to know her in these past few years.

When I heard of her hospice care, I immediately started making a photo book for her through a photo site.  It was a collection of all the funnies and posters I made for her. Sadly, although it is on its way as I write this, she’ll never see it.  But I truly hope that Nazim and Cami will take comfort in it as a memorial.   They have worked so hard for her, and I pray they know that all their efforts were not in vain.

Celeste’s last artistic request to me was for a poster that read “Keep Calm and Beam Me Up” I made the one below, and she was very pleased.  Yet I can’t help but think that she knew the end was coming, and this was her subtle way of saying goodbye. And now that she has beamed up to the celestial heavens,  I know she will be welcomed there with all the love and more that she had on Earth.  Goodnight  Dearest, Sweet Yeoman, my friend.   You are forever in my heart. ❤





Prayers for Celeste Yarnall – Now in Hospice

Dear Friends,

Our dear friend and lovely human being Celeste Yarnall (Yeoman Martha Landon in ‘The Apple”) going through an absolute hellish time right now.  As you may recall from my previous posts, Celeste has been dealing with Ovarian Cancer for several years now, and although she is now free of her ovarian cancer, the damned disease has now claimed her lungs.  And she is now receiving home and hospice care for her condition.  And praying for a miracle.

As Celeste wrote a few days ago:

Today a decision was made to set up home hospice for me with palliative care and of course my beloved husband Nazim is the most amazing angel on the planet and is right by my side as is my wonderful daughter and sone in law but these folks can give me IV fluids, pain meds and we soon find out what else they can do.

We’ve increased my oxygen flow but the cough, spasms and suffocating mucus along with the pain in my chest has made my life absolutely miserable.

I’ve not been able to sleep…

This is heartbreaking for me.  I’ve been friends with Celeste through FB for several years now, and I have enjoyed supporting her cancer fund, and sending her little collages with her Trek character and messaging each other from time to time.  She is an amazing woman with a big smile and an even bigger heart.  I am so happy and honored to know her, and thankful for her friendship, especially as I was also dealing with a (much smaller) case of breast cancer in 2014 (now 4 years clear, amen).

I am so very sad to hear that she is going through hellish coughing spells that make it difficult for her to speak and sleep.  I ask you all to please pray very hard for Celeste, her family, friends,  and her beloved daughter Cami,  and husband Nazim, who have been her rock all this time.

And Celeste I hope you know that I’m praying for you too, and that I am so thankful to know you are my friend. You have often referred to me as ‘your angel’, please know that you are MY angel too, and I, and all the readers here at Trekker Scrapbook love you too.  Sending many hugs and healing thoughts and prayers. Rest well and know you are surrounded by LOVE.

And friends, please remember to contribute to Celeste’s cancer fund, to help with her health services.  https://www.gofundme.com/kvo9xs

Happy Birthday Celeste Yarnall!

Today we wish a very special Happy Birthday to our beautiful friend and Star Trek guest star Celeste Yarnall!  (Yeoman Martha Landon in The Apple)

As many of you know, Celeste has been dealing with Stage 4 Ovarian cancer for nearly 4 years now, and unfortunately  it has returned.  However, Celeste is fighting it  with immuno-therapy and chemo, and she is carrying on with the strength of a tiger!  Let’s make this a special birthday for her and please contribute any bit you can to Celeste’s Cancer treatment fund .  You can read all of her updates and contribute there.  After 3+ years, she is nearly up to her goal of $55,000!   We have really helped her with her medical expenses, and every bit really helps! Thank you!

Also, Celeste asked me to make a special sign for her and here it is!  Keep Calm Celeste, but please don’t ‘beam up’ for a looooong time!  With all our love and healing thoughts, Therese and all of your friends here!  Happy Birthday and LLAP ❤

Sad Update From Celeste Yarnall, Please lend Prayers and Support to her Cancer Fund.

Celeste Update – Cancer Free at Last!

Cancer FreeFriends, I am so very happy to relay to you Celeste’s latest update.  She is FREE at LAST of CANCER!   She still has the blood clots, and will have to be on blood thinners for 6 months, but the fact that she is free of the stage 3 ovarian cancer is nothing but miraculous.

Celeste, I’m so happy for you, for you have worked so hard through a lot of hell to come out the other side of this.   YOU MADE IT!!!!  And being home with family and friends will surely improve you recovery and the love from all of us is a great hug of support and joy!  (Jumping with joy here!)

Of course, one has to be tested to be sure the cancer will not return, but I’m sure with love and support, it won’t have a chance.  And Friends, PLEASE remember to CONTINUE to SUPPORT Celeste’s cancer fund. Although the big battle of the physical cancer is mostly finished, the financial battle with seemingly endless bills is barely through.   I suspect that the medical bills for all the procedures so far are still trickling in, and there seems to always be yet another treatment or surgical detail to pay for.  Our support will help Celeste and Nazim meet the $50,000 goal.    At this writing, the fund is currently at  $28,41521,585 to go!  Every little bit, even $5 will help. You can donate here.

Thanks so much, and Celeste, Good Luck and God bless you on your continued recovery, and may it never come back.  I know you will truly Love Long and Prosper! -love, Therese xo

Here’s her update from Sunday:

  I’m back home! My huge abdominal surgery was/is 100% successful. My week in hospital following surgery was a rough and painful one HOWEVER the pathology from the exploratory portion came back mid week and confirmed that I am now cancer free!!!!! From stage 3 ovarian cancer last November, then 6 rounds of chemo, to this happy news. This was the best birthday present ever. I still have the blood clots (DVTs) and must take the daily Lovinox injections which is a blood thinner for the next 6 months at least but no other meds are needed except to finish up the antibiotics which I will do tonight. They sent me home with some other meds that are ok to use as needed during the healing process. The healing period will be 3 months.

I will be continuing my entire alternative cancer regime which is extensive, including daily use of the amazing BEMER device ( http://www.bemeramerica.com/artofwellness) which along with my other protocols and supplements such as MOXXOR ( http://www.Moxxart.com) have worked so beautifully along with mainstream 6 rounds of chemotherapy which I finished up in May.

All of your blessings and generosity have been so appreciated. Nazim and I are not only grateful.. we know this wonderful result couldn’t have happened without all of your help.

To keep the cancer away we simply must carry on with all that we are doing which as you know is costly and financially this is so hard on us however I know you will do the very best you can for me by sharing this page …. please know straight from my heart that even a $5 donation is so very helpful that words cannot express adequately what it means to us.

When I got the news of the biopsies all being negative I got up out of the hospital bed after hugging and thanking my beautiful doctor, did a victory lap in the hospital corridor on my walker. I high-fived the nurses as we passed them as I was virtually sobbing from joy. It was an amazing occasion and one not often seen with Ovarian cancer! That is my oh so happy update for now and the best birthday present I could have ever received!

All my love and gratitude to each and everyone of you,



Happy Birthday Celeste Yarnall!!

Today (July 26) is Celeste Yarnall’s Birthday!   Happy Birthday Celeste! And as you  recover from your hernia surgery, remember that LOVE is stronger than pain!  Hope you’ll be home soon, and enjoy this little poster!  (I colorized the famous black and white still of you and Walter from ‘The Apple”!)

And readers, let’s make Celeste’s birthday extra special and please contribute what you can to her cancer fund!   http://www.gofundme.com/kvo9xs

Celeste 71

Celeste Update: Successful Hernia Surgery.

Hi Everyone,

Here’s a quick update on Celeste Yarnall — She had successful surgery yesterday to remove the awful hernia she had.  She s resting, but in a lot of pain, so please keep her in your thoughts and prayers as she recovers.  Hell of a way to celebrate a birthday, but I’m sure she’s so glad to be rid of the hernia!

Her beloved  husband Nazim posted this message today:

Celeste’s Surgery was a 100% successful. …..Although she is in TREMENDOUS PAIN. post op, they are continuously trying to manage it, to get it under control. She sends you all Love, Blessings & Appreciation this her Birthday Weekend. …..Love & Light Nazim

And please remember to contribute to her cancer fund as it slowly but surely reaches its $50,000 goal (currently at 28, 090)  Let’s make this her happiest birthday ever donate whatever you can!


celeste and nazim before surgery

Celeste and Nazim a few days before the surgery.

For the Love of Spock Funded! Now let’s Help Celeste!

Hey Kids,

Happy to report that Adam Nimoy’s Kickstarter fund met it’s goal yesterday; ($662,640 total) one day short of the deadline!  I look forward to the final product of For the Love of Spock sometime next year!  Congratulations Adam!  (And I look forward to my bonus gift for contributing  🙂 )

In the meantime, I urge you to please contribute to Celeste Yarnall’s GoFundMe page to help pay the cancer bills her insurance won’t cover.  Celeste has another surgery coming up in late July (Hernia plus removal of a large cantaloupe-sized mass and insertion an IVC filter in a hip vein to protect her from the possible migration of two clots* to her heart or lungs).   This is a very trying and scary time for Celeste and her family, and I know that the love and support that went into Adam’s project would be so welcome and helping here.  Please send what you can, every bit will help.   If Adam can raise over $60,000 in one day, surely we can raise the rest of Celeste’s fund ($23,665) within a week!  Please share this message with all who can help.  Thanks so much, Therese


celeste cantaloupel

Celeste Update: 6/23/15 Clots Under Observation

celeste 6-22-15_updates

Celeste gets her CAT scan this past Monday (6/22) and gives a double LLAP! We’re with you, Celeste!

Dear Friends,

Celeste has just posted an update about the CAT Scan she had on Monday.  It’s not the best news, but it IS fixable (very soon).  The scan discovered two blood clots in her pelvic region and she will be receiving injections for six months (except during the surgery)  Celeste will have a IVC filter inserted to prevent the clots from migrating during the surgery for her hernia. It’s scary, but I have every faith that it will succeed.

As Celeste stated in the past couple hours:

 Just got a call from one of the doctors and here comes the scary/bad news bit. Apparently the CAT scan found a blood clot, actually two of them close together in my veins in my pelvis which is next to a mass that they think is a lymphocyst but they will not know for sure until they go in during the hernia surgery and get it out and off to pathology.

I have to go back to Cedars on Thursday to schedule an out patient procedure where they will put something like a tiny little basket/filter in my vein in my thigh to prevent the clot which is known as a DVT (deep vein thrombosis) from going to my heart.
I will have to have injected every night for 6 months, Lovinox which is something I got when I was in the hospital for the first surgery but it cannot be injected before, during or right after surgery.

Since we now need to do the surgery sooner than later we will probably be looking at July. I just about fainted with this phone call but I am keeping it together because the doctors promised this will all be handled. The doctor is trying to get home nursing to come to the house and give me the shot as I am set up for home nursing…age does have some advantages at times and Medicare home health is one of them. this shot needs to be given in my abdomen and I need to get these injections ASAP.

The doctor is finding a specialty pharmacy for these shots as my usual one doesn’t carry them. More later when we know more but again the PT scan didn’t light up any cancer so that so far is the good news. I am still a little shaky.

The pharmacy just called as I am typing this and the co-pay for these injections is high so I do need your help dear friends with even $5 donations to keep me going at GoFundMe http://www.gofundme.com/kvo9xs The injections will be delivered
tomorrow as I need them right away.

Ok we can handle this right????? And I am very thankful for this high tech PT/CT scan machine for finding this out… right now!

And in her most recent statement 20 minutes ago:

The good news is we have a plan and we will now deal with blood clot situation, the Lovinox injections daily for at least 6 months and the out patient surgical procedure in preparation for the Hernia Repair surgery. I should know more after we see the doctor tomorrow, get the blood work done again and have an EKG.

Endurance is the operative word for today. I was warned that if I were to become short of breath I must head straight to emergency…are we having fun yet? I thought this inspiring message below might be good for all of us to take in.


Many thanks to my wonderful friends who have just contributed at my Gofundme link so generously just now to help with the co-pays and the added bills to what we have already been dealing with.

Here is the link to the site for my updates and donations, should the spirit move you to help financially. Truly, every $5 donation is cherished as are the larger ones. http://www.gofundme.com/kvo9xs

And Yes, Every DONATION WILL HELP!   Please send what you can, and let Celeste know that we all are pulling for her!  Look at that spirit in the picture above!  Celeste, you are surrounded with love, prayers, and very healing thoughts!  FORWARD!


A Celeste Update and a Request from Me (Therese)

it's all in the mindDear Friends,

Could you please do me a favor? In this past month since I suggested it, I have only seen about $70 donated from trekkerscrapbook readers (including my two) and I’m wondering if  perhaps some of my readers here have donated, but have not included the words “trekkerscrapbook’ in their accompanying note?  If any of you out here have donated to Celeste, PLEASE let me know here so I may tally the total up. I am hoping to raise $1500 for Celeste through this site alone, but it is only possible if I know who has donated and how much — the easiest way for me to see this is for you to write “trekkerscrapbook”  or even “TS” in the comment section when you donate.  Please donate early and often! For every little bit helps! When we reach $1500 in donations, I’ll get to have an exclusive interview here with Celeste!   Hope to see a bunch of new donations soon; she’s almost at the 1/2 way point ($25,000)!Thank you!


Celeste left an update last Tuesday (5/19).  She has completed her chemo treatments, but had to have two extra  Neupogen shots Wednesday and Thursday  because her white blood cell count was off (Ugh!)  However, she and Nazim did get out to a lovely outdoor restaurant to relax.  Inch by inch, Dear Lady ❤

Enjoy the new comic to promote her cancer fund – I am also making poster copies of this to promote it around town.  I know we can reach this goal!

As Celeste wrote:

“Just when I was starting to feel better after the last 5 Neupogen shots I got a call from the doctors office regarding my blood work which was drawn yesterday and I have to go back to the hospital infusion center for two more Neupogen shots (Wednesday and Thursday) because my white count is still not normal. That means bone pain for a week following the shots and that means not sleeping well for another week. The fun just keeps coming doesn’t it?”

Celeste Yarnall's photo.
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