Monthly Archives: December 2018

Happy Birthday Nichelle Nichols! 86!

Today is the 86th Birthday of our beloved First Woman of the Galaxy, the beautiful, splendid, and oh so LOVED Nichelle Nichols!  Happy Birthday Nichelle!  Hope you get to see this! ❤ ❤ ❤  love and big hugs, Therese and all our readers here!

FArFri: Terribly Tangled! (by Me!)

Merry Christmas Everyone!!    When I came across this picture the other day, well, this silly joke seemed inevitable to me!   Who’d like to help Spock with the  tree lights?

Have a beautiful  Christmas and Holiday Everyone!  And a Blessed, Peaceful New Year!    Love, Therese xoxo ❤


My Weekly Spock: Annual Maintenance

“There’s ya problem right there!”  Spock gets horizontal with the Enterprise’s guts. A rare publicity still, although odd that those markers are on the rug in front of him!  I think they were markers for where the actors to stand?

Trek Toon: Sleepy Veep

Hey, I couldn’t resist making this!  😉

My Weekly Spock: All I Want for Christmas Is…

…something with Spock!   Here’s some fun merchandise I’ve found around the ‘net.  (old and new)

Art and Collage poster from the 70s

Spock Socks!

Wallet… or is that a Spollet?

Prototype of Spock bust that unfortunately never produced.

Chubby Blue-Eyed Spock with Mickey Ears????? Nope!

Spock Mug! (or is it a Spug?)

I have no idea. Cupcake??

Clever Spock Mug, but that would be hard to hold!


Terribly cute Spock and Tribbles figure!

Happy 102 Birthday to Kirk Douglas!!

My other favorite ‘Kirk’; The great Kirk Douglas turned 102 today!  Happy Birthday to this magnificent, passionate, and grand Hollywood Legend! I love you Kirk, our forever Spartacus!


Happy Hanukkah!