Monthly Archives: September 2012

New Feature! Fan Art Friday! (FArFri) Leonard and Spock by Sara Manca

It’s always nice to end your week with a piece of art!  Every Friday I’ll be posting art from around web featuring Trek characters and actors. These will be archived in Categories under “Fan Art”  Enjoy!

To start this series, a wonderful piece by artist Sara Manca from Deviantart   “Leonard and Spock”.    She really captured that ever-present shadow in Nimoy’s life.   I like how she also captured the stride and personalities of each.

Trekker Scrapbook-What’s in the Box? – Part 2 The Star Trek Bicentennial -10 Convention in NYC 1976 and Nimoy in 1978

Today I’ll be sharing the rest of the contents of The Box, including one very special souvenir.  As I  scratched through the pieces within, I came across several writings I had forgotten about — breathless explanations of events Trek related -the convention of ’76, of course, which  I’ll transcribe here later, as my original writing was pretty horrific in both style and execution. There are bus ticket stubs and jotted lists my mother made of what we spent there at the NYC con.,  and some letters from people I met at various Trek events, and letters from an aunt or two when then found an article related to Trek in their newspapers.  It’s fun to see how cheap so many things were then, although they were a big expense to us at the time.   I recall it cost us $35 a night to stay a the Statler-Hilton.  There were 3 of us, my Mom, sister and me, and it was my first trip ever to NYC.  I just wish we took more pictures, as my only equipment at the time was my state-of-the-art pocket old flashcube Instamatic which took the incredibly poor pictures you’ll see here.  ( I apologize for the quality; this was the best I could do)  I  remember that we were on the 33rd floor, and that we had a grand view of the Chrysler Building from our room; oddly at the time I found it somewhat ugly and creepy, but within a couple of years I appreciated it for the glory of deco art it is, and it remains my favorite skyscraper to this day.

Winner of the Spock look-alike contest

Here’s the few pictures of the con that did develop from my crappy camera.  First, a Mr. Spock look-alike contest, the winner of which was a guy dressed up as a transporter malfunction! The sign pinned to the guy here says “Is the Transporter fixed yet?” as he also carries his ‘head’.  Clever stuff!

Then the celebrities! Almost the entire cast was there, from Shatner to Koenig, only Nimoy and Majel Barrett couldn’t make it.  We saw all the stars that came, but my camera was so crappy that only a few pictures developed.  Here’s James Doohan and George Takei.

Jimmy Doohan ‘touches hands’ at the convention

Doohan was newly a father and talked at length about the Lamaze method that he and his wife used to deliver the baby; interesting, but probably not what the fans wanted to hear.  He also sang and jigged a little to “Roamin’ in the Gloamin”, a song my mother (embarrassingly) insisted that I ask him to sing!  But he was a a good sport about it, and I remember him walking up and down the aisles of the auditorium to ‘touch hands’ with the enamored thrall.

George salutes us!

Takei was happy and bright, in a powder blue leisure suit, although at the moment I can’t recall anything he said.   I think he was asked about an audition he made for a silly sitcom called “Mr. T. and Tina”, glad he didn’t get that one, for it’s hardly the stuff of TV legend.

Leisure suits were the uniform of the day- that hideous melt-able double knit polyester garb that almost every male wore.  I recall Shatner wore a dark blue one, De Kelly wore a black with a wild orange and white floral print shirt under it, and Doohan wisely opted out of a jacket, just   wearing beige trousers and a white shirt instead. But every male celeb had huge lapels and wide bell bottoms.(God the 70’s were atrocious)  The convention had a lot of fun events, from art shows (I was heart broken I couldn’t enter my  home made bust of Mr. Spock), the endless dealer room with oodles of Trek merchandise, to the wildly popular episode and blooper showings, and, of course, autograph sessions, which were FREE — something you never get anymore.

But speaking of autographs, the box contains the ultimate prize of my youthful fandom, and I only had to wait a couple of years after the con to get it;  Nimoy’s autograph.  I got to meet Mr. Nimoy on February 18, 1978 after a splendid lecture he gave in nearby Elmira NY.  But  since we FORGOT THE CAMERA that fateful night, I hung on to the pen he signed my copy of I Am Not Spock with;  a purple Flair fine point! (made in the USA!)  Good ol’ Flair, and no one has used it since Mr. Nimoy.

Then the  piece de résistance.  There inside the front cover my well- thumbed paper-backed edition  of I Am Not Spock are 7 little words that made me so happy:

To Therese, thank you! Leonard Nimoy, ’78.

And why was Mr. Nimoy so grateful to a giddy 16 year old girl that night?  Well, get your mind out of the gutter and I’ll explain this, along with a couple of photos, in a future post!

New Star TreKomic — A Most Invasive Species

I haven’t made any StarTreKomics in a while, so here’s a mega one! Be sure to zoom in to read it better,  more coming soon, Enjoy!

Trekker Scrapbook-What’s in the Box? – Part 1

Hi Again!

Yesterday I started exhibiting my Trek collection with an old cigar box from around 1973.  Today we open the little Pandora to see what’s inside. (My eyes, my eyes…)

First, the interior.  I didn’t want the floor of the box to be bare, so every week I went through the TV Guide and cut out the daily descriptions for Star Trek, which aired weeknights on WPIX (we had “eleven clear channels to choose from“* with this new thing called ‘cable’!) at 9:00 and Mom and Dad let me stay up with my sibs to watch it.  We got cable mostly so we could watch Star Trek. Of course, we had all watched it when it originally aired (although I didn’t always get to see it) and by age 12, in ’73, I was totally into it. By ’76 it was on our local channel 40 every night at 6:00, and Mom wasn’t too thrilled that it was on at dinnertime, but she would let me watch it on Fridays.   Anyway, here’s what old Trek listings looked like back then; something that’s never used now.

You can also see more images from the article I used for the box lid and if you read closely, there’s a little letter to the editors of TV Guide about who the best chess player is. 😉  -Can you name all the episodes described here?
*This expression is from a cable commercial that aired endlessly on our local channels; there was a lady who would go on and on about how cable had
“Eleven clear channels to choose from and absolutely perfect picture!”

Now, as to what I kept in the box?   It was good for spare change and rubber bands, but eventually I had little things related to Star Trek that I kept in it. First of all, a ‘Spock Rock’; that is, a stone I found one day along the river that reminded me of Vulcan pointed ears, so naturally, I painted a cartoony little portrait of Mr. Spock on it.

Cute, huh?  I’m surprised it hasn’t worn off much in the 39 years since I painted it! I like that I gave him a little smile.

Next we see a prized Spock button I bought at the 1979 ‘Star Trek Bi-Centennial 10 Convention in 1976.  It was special because it presents a scene from the Trek episode “Elaan of Troyus” that was never used. Spock is seen playing his Vulcan harp in the grand recreation room, a set that was only seen in “And the Children Shall Lead”.  A shame this scene was cut, but you can see a pastiche of it here.

Another thing I kept in the box was a lot of correspondence, there’s a note from NBC in ’73 thanking me for liking the Star Trek cartoon and  where I can write to the stars, but the  most exciting pieces were the little notes I’d get annually from the LNAF — which was ‘The Leonard Nimoy Association of Fans” run by a Ms. Louise Stange. (Odd, her last name was pronounced ‘Stang-Gee’– but to me it sounded better if it rhymed with ‘flange’, but I digress).  Louise had  thrust the monumental task upon herself of managing this fan club that was growing by leaps every day, mimeographing newsletters every few months, and once a year  the big annual yearbook loaded with candid and professional pictures of Mr. Nimoy and his fans. Yet she still took time to send each fan a personal note at least once a year, and I was always happy to see that familiar green ink return stamp on my letters and manilla envelopes on those special occasions.   Here you see my 5 membership cards for the half-decade I belonged from 1975-80; the first three years had the smiling black and white picture, the last two the more pensive picture.  How Louise kept track of everything I’ll never know – this was eons before the internet, but she did a great job, met Leonard frequently, and was rewarded by being an extra in the first Star Trek movie.  Wonder what she does these days?  Wherever you are, Louise, thanks for all your hard work in those exciting years.  I felt less like an outcast when I knew there were other kooks out there like me! You’ll see more stuff from the LNAF in future posts. Somewhere I have the full color postcard of Nimoy that came with the intro pack,  and a lot of other stuff and nonsense.  See you tomorrow, with one of my most prized possession,  and as Louise would sign” “Nimoyingly,” -Therese

My Star Trek Scrapbooks are Here!

Hi All!

Well, I finally did it! Made good use of my scanner this summer and scanned in many pages of my old Star Trek Scrapbooks from the 1970s as well as some scans of an old cigar box I plastered with Star Trek articles and Viola!  My Trek blog will finally live up to its name!  Funny how much stuff I forgot about, I found myself giggling through so much of it!  Ah silly youth! Not only did I collect every article I could find on Trek and its stars, I also drew some silly comics,wrote fan fiction, and even a play! I was one besotted puppy.

Come with me now on a time-travel back to the pre-Star Wars 70’s, when Trek ruled the sci-fi world in syndication, becoming even more popular after it was canceled than it had even been in its initial run.  A time when Nimoy  wore super wide bell-bottoms and Shatner wore discount rugs!

I will be posting these here on the home page and they will be archived in the ‘My Star Trek Scrapbooks’  category in the  sidebar here.

Lets start with my little Trek Pandora’s box, shall we?  Back in 1973 or 74, my Aunt Eileen, who was always clever with recycling and such, sent up to me one of my old Uncle Eddie’s cigar boxes, decoupaged with  red,white, and blue wrapping paper emblazoned with ‘Happy Birthday!’ all over it.  It was great for little keepsakes like buttons and safety pins and pretty marbles, and this inspired my sister and I to make our own cigar box treasure chests.  My sister covered hers entirely with pictures of Elvis albums from an Columbia House flyer, while I decided to deck mine out with a few of  the latest Star Trek articles I found in  movie magazines and a TV Guide.  (Yes, at this point, 3-4 years after its cancellation, Trek was being made into new fodder for these mags, and I lapped them up with my allowance money). I didn’t think to seal my box with clear glue like my sister had, so now it’s a bit worn, yellowing, with edges curling, but you get the gist.   First, the box itself.  I can see that my propensity for collage came early. As I recall, this article came from a TV Radio magazine.

And the interior! More of the article (I can’t remember what caused that black blotch across Spock’s front) and some little treasures;  A Spock button from the 1976 NYC ‘Star Trek Bi-Centennial 10 Convention, a stone shaped like Spock’s ear that I painted his portrait on.  (and much later, a ‘Trekkies for Obama” button–this seemed like a good place to store it)  You’ll see more of what’s in the box tomorrow!

Here’s the top lid, Photoshopped and de-yellowed.

Here’s a close-up of the interior lid,with the black blotch cleaned up and brightened.

The Front Panel: An ad from the weekly PARADE magazine promoting the new Star Trek Cartoon on NBC in 1973.  My 12 year old brain couldn’t wait!

This is one side with an ad from one the those Scholastic book club flyers we used to get every month in grade school (I’m guessing this was 6th grade) The Star Trek LOG books novelized the animated series.

Well kids, that’s all for today! I think I’ve whetted you appetite for what’s coming next!  Be sure to come back every day to see what’s next in my little time machine-  Tomorrow:  What’s in the Box -Part One.

My Weekly Spock 9/24/12

Welcome back Nimoy fans!  Here’s a cuddle to start the week, from a German article in the 1970’s

I’m Back, Baby!

Hey Kids!  I’m back after taking a little break for the summer and looking forward to sharing new Trek and other silly stuff with you!   I am rested, refreshed, and happy to report that I have lost 4 pounds to date! (My Wii pedometer really helped!) Slow but steady loses the weight.

You’ll be getting your weekly dose of Nimoy/Spock on Mondays, selections from my original ’70s Trek Scrapbooks Monday through Friday, and more Trek and non-Trek stuff sprinkled throughout.  Hope to hear from you in the comments, and it’s nice to be back!

Happy Autumn, Everyone! -Therese

George (Takei) of the Jungle!

I’m a week early here, but I just posted this on FB and I wanted it to be here too!  Enjoy!   George had a section on his Facebook page called “If I ran Hollywood”  and it inspired me to make this! (Naturally!)  I don’t know if George will keep it there, but I hope he likes it!  See you next Monday – Therese

Mark Your Calendars for Sept. 24! Two weeks to go until I’m back!

Hey Kids! I’ve been taking my time off from posting here to organize and create a bunch of new stuff when I come back on Monday, September 24!  Looking forward to sharing new fun Trek stuff with you then!  New categories, favorite Trek and other videos, Fan Art, and of course – the reason this blog was created –  you will soon see inside my old, one of a kind, TREKKER SCRAPBOOKS from the 1970’s and a few surprises!

Please post a comment to let me know you’re still here!

See you soon! Therese