Monthly Archives: October 2016

Happy Halloween!

Bringing out this old chestnut for today!  (I’ll have to make a new one for next year!) Wishing you all treats (no tricks!) -Therese


FArF: The Lovely Backdrops of Star Trek: The Animated Series

In reviewing the old Star Trek animated series it was clear that a lot of the best art was in the creative and colorful backgrounds made for the planets.  Characters  silhouetted against the backdrops made an even a stronger impact.  The Original Series had lovely painted backdrops too, but in TAS, the imaginations soared, creating scenes the original couldn’t afford.  A shame there were only  22 episodes. I  especially like the re-creation of the Guardian of Forever in Yesteryear, and the planet Vulcan.  There’s a lovely image of Uhura resting by a lake in Once Upon a Planet. And the curvy architecture of the palace in The Lorelei Signal reflects its female inhabitants.  Which are your favorites?


Spock heads back to his arid hometown in “Yesteryear’

My Weekly Spock- The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face… Elmira 1978

I was so thrilled when I came across this picture on Facebook! I knew that sweater and shirt! How’s that?  This was how Leonard looked the very day I met him for the first time on February 18, 1978. This must have been earlier in the day, as Leonard is being interviewed by local news crews in Elmira NY, just before his appearance at the Clemmons Center for his presentation: Mr.Spock and I”:An Evening with Leonard Nimoy“.   You can read all about my experience at this lecture here.  Ah how this brings back memories!  So happy to see a close up photo from that night! So cool! (And so darn cute!)  I’ll never forget it!  🙂


Steady As She Goes! Shatner, Koenig, and Takei on the Bridge Again!

This is all kinds of wonderful.  Just a few days ago at the the Destination: Star Trek Convention in Birmingham, England, the stars the many Trek incarnations as well as special guests posed on a lovely recreation of the Enterprise bridge! But most importantly, Captain Kirk, Mr. Chekov and Mr. Sulu were back at their stations!

This picture got me a little emotional!  Seeing William Shatner, Walter Koenig and George Takei sitting so fine just made my heart swell (and break just a little)!  Unfortunately, Nichelle Nichols couldn’t make it, but I’m sure she was there in spirit.  And as beautiful as this is, it made me miss the crew now watching from above: Leonard Nimoy, Deforest Kelley, James Doohan, Majel Barrett, and Grace Lee Whitney  ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

Fortunately, the legendary three here had plenty of support in their Trek family.  Most notable is Leonard’s son,  Adam Nimoy, standing in for his beloved father.  As much as I wish that Leonard was still here, I’m so thankful that Adam was there for him.

I also LOVE that George Takei wore a black shirt with a bright yellow sweater, mimicking his original uniform, and look how proudly his sits back at his helm! Steady as she goes!

Now enjoy this moment of Star Trek Awesomeness!

The many casts and special guests of the Star Trek universe at “Destination: Star Trek” in Birmingham, England, October 7, 2016: Front Row: Walter Koenig (Chekov) George Takei (Sulu) Second Row: Eddie Paskey (Mr. Leslie) William Shatner (Captain James T. Kirk) Robert O’Reily (Gowron/TNG) Armin Shimmerman (Quark/DS9) Colonel Al Worden (Astronaut, Apollo 15) Chase Masterson (Leta/DS9) Marina Sirtis (Deanna Troi/TNG) Alice Krige (Borg Queen/First Contact). Third Row: Dominic Keating (Reed/Enterprise) Nicole deBoer (Ezra Dax/DS9) Max Grodenchik (Rom/DS9) Terry Farrell (Jadzia Dax/ DS9), Adam Nimoy, Conner Trinneer (Trip Tucker/Enterprise, Greg Grunberg (Kirk’s Stepdad,-voice/Star Trek reboot). Fourth Row: Jeffrey Combs (Weyoun/DS9) Garret Wang (Harry Kim/Voyager) Martha Hackett ( Seska/Voyager), Casey Biggs (Damar/ DS9), Eric Pierpoint (Voval/TNG, Sanders/DS9), and Kitty Swink (Rozahn/DS9)



Wideo Wednesday: Building Star Trek

This was a wonderful documentary from The Smithsonian Channel that shares the excitement of restoring the original model of the Starship Enterprise for the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, as well as recreating the original bridge for a Seattle Museum, and engineers attempting to recreate some of the legendary devices of the Original Series (tractor beams, tricorders, etc.)   I got the chills seeing the original ship model here 🙂 Lots of great clips from the original series too!  Enjoy!


My Weekly Spock – Conventionally Speaking.

Leonard graced us with his presence at so many Trek and Sci-Fi conventions over the years.  His joy and compassion are missed, but the smiles and happiness he left behind are forever ❤  Here he is at his final Trek convention in 2011 in Las Vegas- (age 80).  Forever loved and missed.

And speaking of conventions, I had the pleasure of attending two this past month!  I’ll be posting article on them very soon, so stay tuned! -Therese

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