Tag Archives: Characters

Trek Thanksgiving – Five TOS Things I’m Grateful For.

Hi Everyone!   It’s been a couple of crazy weeks for me, for I went through an awful bout of pneumonia!  Happy to report that I am well recovered now, and just happy to be back to my normal silly self again!

Tomorrow here in the USA, it’s Thanksgiving. I’m baking some pies today and will make some nice turkey and fixings on Thursday.  But in the meantime I thought it would be fun to recall five things about Star Trek TOS that I’m grateful for.  Any of your favorites here?  Be sure to add yours in the comment section.  And for all our friends celebrating, Have a Happy And Safe Thanksgiving! ❤

Here Goes:

  • #5: Gene Roddenberry’s Vision.                                                                  Where it all began.  In the fertile mind of Gene Roddenberry, the beginnings of a world where Earth lives in peace, harmony, and diversity.  A dream we all still strive for and will ever hope to achieve.  Maybe someday.
  • 4: Dr. McCoy’s Baby Blues
  • If ever I was sick in TOS Universe,  nothing would calm me better than the warm blue eyes and calm bedside manner of dear ol’ Bones.                                                                                                                      
  • 3: Bill Theiss’s remarkable fashion design


Who knew the future would be so colorful?  The glorious designs of William Ware Theiss not only implied a brighter future, but were often just bits of fabric pinned together!  Theiss was a genius who inspires many to this day. (Me too; I make doll clothes!)

  • 2: Kirk standing up for Humanity. 


Kirk was well aware of Humanity’s flaws, but that never let that stop him from defending (and saving) the Human race from total destruction.  Kirk has faith in the good of Humanity, and will always fight for it. May we all be examples of best in Humanity; Love, Respect, and Caring.  And finally…

  • 1:  Just Spock, Wonderful Spock.
  • Of course, you know I’m a fool for that Vulcan.  But Spock so much more than just a cool character.  To me, Spock is so much of what Star Trek is about. the outsider trying to fit in.  How many of  us grew up identifying with Spock because we often felt the misfits in our world?  Spock showed us that we could and would manage well if we just stayed true to ourselves, but also be caring and loyal to our family and friends. Every Trek series has an outsider/Spock character in it, but this Vulcan was the first, and probably the most beloved.