Monthly Archives: February 2019

My Weekly Spock: Remembering Leonard

Today, of course is the 4th anniversary of Mr. Nimoy’s passing.  Hard to believe it’s been so long already, but as I grow older, it seems time flies by faster too.

In this regard, although it’s still sad that Leonard passed far too soon for his family and fans worldwide to bear, what remains true forever is not how long his life was, but what he did with it.

One thing I always admired about him was his ambition to be more than just one thing to himself.  He knew he’d always be Spock, but he never stopped being Leonard; a man of ambition, compassion, and endless curiosity.  And that’s something we all can aspire to.   His joy in all his pursuits from photography to writing, to philanthropy and in his ability to be open to all new discoveries in his lifetime was truly never a life wasted.  He had a wonderful life, and never took his time on Earth for granted, especially toward the end.

In this regard, isn’t that what we must all hope for in our own lives?  The expression “Life is short” tends to become truer as we age.   I’m 57 as I write this, (April birthday) and I realize that all I want to accomplish in my life may not come to pass, but that doesn’t mean we stop pursuing our dreams.

In the spirit of Mr. Nimoy’s wonderful, productive life, I wish you all the satisfaction of a life well lived.  May we all live Long and Prosper, and thank you Mr. Nimoy, for being a role model of a life lived with love, passion, and commitment to his abilities and family.  Forever in our hearts ❤




Meeting Yourself 2: De Meets De!

Well, since I made Leonard Nimoy meeting his younger self, I just had to make a series!  Here’s our beloved Deforest Kelley posing with his younger, Dr. McCoy self!  Yesterday, (February 20) would have been his 99th birthday!  Loved and missed. What a wonderful actor and gentleman!

My Weekly Spock: Leonard Meets Himself.

I’ve been seeing a trend lately on social media with Photoshopped pictures of celebrities side-hugging their younger versions of themselves, so naturally I had to make one with Leonard!

I’ll be doing the whole cast within the next few weeks; stay tuned!

As I write this, I just realized that it was 41 years ago on this day when I first met Leonard in Elmira!   Today is also my sister’s birthday; Happy Birthday, Sis! ❤

(And thanks for your patience, I’ve been busy with my subbing job at the local Elementary School!)