Monthly Archives: December 2023

Wonderful Event with Adam Nimoy! (See Pics on Instagram!)

Hi Everyone!

I was lucky to attend a wonderful event in October! Adam Nimoy (son of Leonard) appeared at the Olav Shalom Synagogue in Albany NY to discuss the Jewish Connections to Star Trek. Not only did Adam find connections to Judaism through Trek, but also gave a preview of his next book that will be out in January.

Adam was delightfully laid back and his presentation was insightful and humorous as well as reflecting on life with his father; their faith, struggles and joys. While reading passages from his book manuscript, he corrected some last minute typos to our delight. “It’s okay,” he said “it’s not out until January!”

He also expressed his wishes for peace in Israel/Gaza and all the war-zones around the world. Amen to that.

Before the talk, there was a delicious brunch with egg and tuna salads, green salad, yogurt with fresh fruit, lots of desserts, and of course, bagels-I had my first lox ever!

Adam gave a list of the 10 episodes he found that suggested the influences of his Jewish faith. Of course there is the Vulcan Greeting, “Live Long and Prosper” and its v-formation based on the Hebrew letter Shin, and it being the first letter in the Hebrew word for Peace, which is “Shalom”. Alas, I should have taken notes, so I can only give a taste of Adam’s comparisons! (Sorry!) I was mostly just enjoying the moment, and it was wonderful.

Here’s some examples; Moses wandering in the dessert was like Captain Kirk and his crew wandering throughout the galaxy. He also made references to Metamorphosis (The Companion as a caring god figure) and Journey to Babel (Nations struggling to reach a common peaceful goal) His favorite episode of TOS was The Menagerie, as he loved that it incorporated his father’s first appearance as Spock into a two-episode arc.

And on a personal level, he also cited the story of Jonah and the Whale as it related to his own struggle with pot addiction, and finally being saved. This was very moving. I would add my own example here, the (New Testament) tale of The Prodigal Son in a way reflected the time between Adam and his father when their relationship was strained for a time, and not being in each other’s lives. Yet in time, and thankfully a good length time before Leonard was struck with COPD, he and Adam had reunited in love and a much better, closer father-son relationship, to the end of Leonard’s days.

(I noted that Adam’s talk was being recorded, so I’m hoping that if it is put on line, I’ll be able to share it with you!)

My friend Bobbie* and I attended this event together, and we both had the chance to meet and greet Adam and have our picture taken with him. (Yay!) Bobbie (who is her town historian) is working very hard on a project to get a commemorative USPS stamp of Leonard in time for the 10th year anniversary of his passing in 2015. (She was active in having the stamp of Edmonia Lewis made for the USPS Black Heritage stamp series most recently). Bobbie showed Adam her thick file, filled with all her work to date in her stamp proposal, with recommendations of insights to Leonard’s patriotism, philanthropy and how his character of Spock is a true American icon, with his brave and caring discipline. Adam said “You know more about my Dad than I know!” Here’s hoping Bobbie succeeds!

I gave Adam a 500 piece puzzle I had made up of the 90th birthday tribute to his Dad. He was surprised and intrigued by the intricate collage I made of his fathers life, and enjoyed seeing even tiny pictures of himself and his sister Julie contained within! I hope he and his family will enjoy the puzzle over the holidays!

Bobbie and I both got our pictures taken with him, and we each couldn’t resist throwing in a hug! What a fine mensch! Adam, if you’re reading this, Thank you again, and it was a pleasure!

*whom I first met when I went to see Leonard Nimoy in NYC 10 years ago