Monthly Archives: November 2014

FArF: Uhura by Christina Zakhozhay

Here’s a gorgeous study of our gal Uhura by Canadian artist Christina Zakhozhay.  She really captured the character’s soul here 🙂 Enjoy.


Hi Everybody!

Hi All! Hope all my followers in the U.S. had a lovely Thanksgiving yesterday!  For all the rest of the world, I hope you take a little moment every day to count all our blessings. So many little things to be thankful for; love of family and friends, a hot meal, and just a few minutes to b-r-e-a-t-h-e.

And now that the Christmas Shopping has officially begun, just remember that the greatest gift you can give is your time and friendship.  The best things in life are truly free! ❤

Here, have some Turkey!




#60 “And the Children Shall Lead”

Hi All!   Now that the Trek Core TOS gallery is back on line — I was able to finish my most recent poster — And the Children Shall Lead.

It wasn’t the greatest of episodes; the producers basically wanted to  recreate the atmosphere of the  the much better Miri, but Melvin Belli? Really??  Creating the poster my first thought was how to portray the little brats darlings and a deceptively angelic approach seemed appropriate.  Note, the backdrop is actually the Friendly Angel’s robe. Meanwhile, Kirk and Sulu are freaking out, Uhura is devastated and Spock just wants to meditate himself out of there!

60 and the children shall lead

Great Interview with George Takei on ‘On The Media’

From NPR’s program ‘On the Media’, here’s a great new interview with George Takei. by Bob Garfield.   George covers everything from Trek, Howard Stern, Politics, his show Allegiance,  and most profoundly, his remembrances of life in the Japanese-American internment camps.  A great interview before a live audience, enjoy:

Our favorite Uncle!

Our favorite Uncle!

My Weekly Spock Something to be Thankful For

Hey Kids,

I meant to post this the other week before Election Day but couldn’t find it!   I just love his smile here, and looking so sharp!  Mr. Nimoy, thanks for all the joy and talent you’ve given the world! Wanna come over for Thanksgiving? 😉


FArf: A Computer Read Out Spock!

Hey Kids,

Back around 1978 or 9 I was given this cool (and for the time) state-of-the-art computer-printed illustration of Spock!  (Possibly from one of my siblings) It’s antiquated by today’s standards, but still pretty cool.   I love the quote, yet although I don’t think Spock ever said this, it totally fits his personality.

I recall ‘tweaking’ the original with a felt-tip marker (making more hairs on his head and darkening the collar).  It’s been  mounted on cardboard and has been sitting with my stuff in the basement for years.   I scanned it and fixed its yellowing and age marks with Photoshop, but it still has a place in my heart 🙂

computer spock


Look who made the funny papers!

Did you see today’s ‘Mother Goose and Grimm‘? Occasionally creator Mike Peters goes off topic, and here, we get some Trek silliness 🙂MGG-2014-11-21

My Weekly Spock – Profile in Courage

I’m happy to report that TOS gallery of  images is back on TrekCore! (thanks for the update Cory!)

While searching for images for my next poster (And the Children Shall Lead) I noticed that this episode featured an abundance of side shots of Spock.  Enjoy the epic profile!

andthechildrenshallleadhd0205 andthechildrenshallleadhd0251 andthechildrenshallleadhd0262 andthechildrenshallleadhd0267 andthechildrenshallleadhd0280 andthechildrenshallleadhd1011 andthechildrenshallleadhd1029 andthechildrenshallleadhd1086 andthechildrenshallleadhd1113 andthechildrenshallleadhd1122 andthechildrenshallleadhd1144

FArFri: Trek Trio by wynahiros

Here’s a bold and  dramatic trio of K,S,  & McC by artist wynahiros  from deviant art.  Love this!


Happy Veteran’s Day

Remembering our Vets today with love. ❤

Here’s my Dad, Bill McKenzie (1918-1974) during WWII, and with my Mom, Anna (1920-2013) on their wedding day. ❤

Dad in the ArmyAnna+Bill Wedding 1943 tinted copy - Copy