Category Archives: Trek News

TreKonderoga, Here I Come!

Hi All,

I’ll be away this weekend attending the TreKonderoga Weekend in Ticonderoga NY!  So excited to be attending this  fun little annual Trek Convention!   It runs this weekend,  Aug. 24-26!

This is the fourth year of the event,and it was begun by genius and Elvis impersonator James Cawley who painstakingly  recreated the ENTIRE SET of the Starship Enterprise in an abandoned dollar store!  It is an exact copy of all the sets used in the original series, right down to every button and wall decoration! James used the original blueprints to recreate this magnificent set, and I can’t wait for the tour.  It’ll be a dream come true! (BTW, the Set tours happen all year round, but the TreKonderoga Weekend is only once a year!

The Special guests this year are Karl Urban (Dr. McCoy from the reboot) Gates McFadden (Dr. Crusher, Star Trek TNG) and Robin Curtis! (Saavik from Star Trek III and IV)  Also the wonderful Spock impersonator Paul Spock Vegas (Paul Forest)!  There are probably still tickets for Saturday and Sunday!  Hey if you’re in the neighborhood, I’ll be roaming around there Saturday!  You can see more info here.

Can’t wait to share pictures with you next week! Until then, here’s a few pics to whet your appetite!  LLAP! Love, Therese

James Cawley (The founder and showman behind TreKonderoga) sits in the Captain’s chair!

The amazing Spock impersonator Paul Forest!

Karl Urban! (Dr. McCoy)

Gorgeous Gates McFadden (Dr. Crusher)

Happy Birthday DC Fontanta! (March 25th)

A very Happy (if slightly late) Birthday Wish for the marvelous Dorothy C. Fontana (March 25) who penned many of the original Trek episodes that deepened Spock’s history and culture, and made him the beloved Vulcan he became!  (Amok Time, Journey to Babel),  You can read all about wonderful and inspiring D.C Fontana here.  (Thanks Corylea for the reminder!)

Hope you had a great day Dorothy! You are an inspiration to writers (especially women) everywhere! ❤