Category Archives: Sunday Afternoon Movie Gallery

(New Feature) Sunday Afternoon Movie Gallery (01): Black Narcissus (1947)

Hey Kids!

As some of you may know, I also blog for the Basket of Kisses site, which is a wonderful Mad Men and other fine media site.   I started a column back in 2012 called ‘Retro Reel Review’ which reviews great movies from the golden age of Cinema (1920’s-1970’s)

As an additional benefit to anyone reading my movie posts, I’ll be showcasing images from the movies I review on Basket of Kisses right here on Sundays.   Being a very visual person, I love studying stills from old movies and I appreciate all the art then went into movie making in the analog age.  Eventually I may just show stills (I haven’t had time to review a movie in a while) but as a costume and technicolor fanatic the old movie visuals are something I love to share! I can’t guarantee I’ll not give away the whole movie in the stills, but I’ll do the best not to spoil the endings.  The first movie you’ll see here is Black Narcissus from 1947.  As you can see, the cinematography from Jack Cardiff was magnificent!  It’s a fine thriller of a movie, I highly recommend it. You can read my review here:

Enjoy!   – Therese