Category Archives: Merchandising

Happy New Year from Trekker Scrapbook! Adventures with a Spock Doll.

Hi Everyone! Hoping you had a fun New Year’s Eve and are enjoying a restful first day of 2022! I bet a lot of you watch football. I don’t, but for some reason, well…

Last week for Christmas I received this marvelous 1:6 Spock Head from a dealer on eBay. I knew I couldn’t afford the entire doll, but I could buy a separate body for him on-line and the whole thing would be a fraction of the price of the original.

So first, here’s the marvelous head, that looks so much like Nimoy as Spock it’s astonishing; right down to the tiny extra nub of flesh below his right ear!

Almost creepy, isn’t it? (dealer picture)

Knowing I was going to receive this for Christmas (okay, I bought it and my husband paid for it!) I started looking into little civillian clothes for my new wee Spock. I hadn’t bought a body for him yet, but I figured I could just buy Ken doll body for him and stick it on. Little did I know…

I found an adorable vintage football outfit for a Ken Doll from the early 60’s. Even though I don’t do football, I thought this would be fun for Spock to wear, as I looked forward to dressing and displaying him in un-Spockly fashion. This was a bargain for all the pieces as it wasn’t in the original packaging:

There was a little spot on the 7,but I could fix that. The rubber shoulder pads and helmet cracked me up.

Oh dear, then it was like a can of Pringles… I had to find a few more outfits. Then I had to find a body to add the head to. I found a cheap GI Joe that looked suitable, and a cool vintage Ken Navy blue velvet blazer, a Ken red shawl neck sweater, a Ken collegiate Letterman cardigan and even Ken pajamas! My Spock would be the best dressed ever!

Not so fast.

First, I couldn’t get the head off of the GI Joe, and I didn’t want to ruin it, so he’s back in the box until I sell him. So I delved into the world of 1:6th scale action doll figures, and I found a model that was compatible with the Spock head. So when it arrived, the body had several sets of hands and that could be attached, but the feet weren’t attached either. I got the hands on okay, but the feet were tricky. My husband got them on, but the first time he got them on backward!

So just in time for today, I thought I’d gear up Spock in the ol’ Ken Football uniform. Well, the rubber shoulder pads worked, and I got the red jersey over it, but alas, these 1:6 models are much more muscular in the arms and legs than any early Ken doll would ever be – and the pants were too small for these legs! And not just that — the socks and cleats (shoes) were too small too!! So all the tops for the figure could fit, but not the pants! I’m already searching for appropriate 1:6 jeans and such. I promised myself this won’t be a new obsession. Well not much.

I guess I’ll be selling back the football outfit on eBay, but at least I got a couple cute pics of Spock ready for the gridiron — at least from the waist up!

HA -ha ha ha ha!

I gotta say, the little rubber helmet is just adorable on him. Reminds me of the small role Nimoy had in “Francis Goes to West Point“!

Happy New Year Everyone! Stay safe and well! -Therese xo

My Weekly Spock: All I Want for Christmas Is…

…something with Spock!   Here’s some fun merchandise I’ve found around the ‘net.  (old and new)

Art and Collage poster from the 70s

Spock Socks!

Wallet… or is that a Spollet?

Prototype of Spock bust that unfortunately never produced.

Chubby Blue-Eyed Spock with Mickey Ears????? Nope!

Spock Mug! (or is it a Spug?)

I have no idea. Cupcake??

Clever Spock Mug, but that would be hard to hold!


Terribly cute Spock and Tribbles figure!

Some More Fun with Trek Merchandise

‘If you build it, they will come” goes the old advertising adage, and when merchandisers saw what an impact that canceled sci-fi show was having on people in the 1970’s, they could smell a cash cow a mile away. They’d slap the Star Trek name on almost anything, even when it clearly has nothing to do with it! (note the pinball game).  Now how many of these sold is another matter, but  here’s more in my ongoing search for Trek merchandise and memorabilia.   Did you have any of these?

Let Spock and the captain help you with the dishes after the year ends!

Star Trek TOS never looked like this pinball game!

I’m guessing the manufacturers of the game couldn’t get licensed characters, so they just borrowed the name. Looks like fun though!

Well this is wicked cool! Although I didn’t have one of these, we did have a black portable cassette player which we’d record whistling sounds into to make it our ‘tricorder’

Great box too!

I saw these in drugstores all the time. The Trek logo here is the same as the one used for the Gold Key comics that had come out in the 60’s.

I’ve never seen or heard this album, but would be curious to hear if it’s any good. Great artwork, Spock as a hound-dog!

This Halloween costume is a bit better than the ones that came out in the 60’s (although I was not aware that crew members had hot pink uniforms as seen on the box art!

Where would we be without our Star Trek Zing Wing?


Star Trek on the Runway??

I was browsing one of my favorite sites yesterday (Tom and Lorenzo), and came across a colorful collection for Fall 2018 by Italian designer Moschino.   The  collection clearly was influenced by the bright stylings of the Mod era 1960s with a lot of Jackie Kennedy in full Technicolor and clearly other pop references.

What’s this got to do with Star Trek?  Well, if imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, than one of Moschino’s designers must be a Trekkie.  How else can you explain the mint green spangled gown that would either make the late William Ware Theiss proud OR have him suing for stealing his design?

Look closely, and you can see the gown was clearly influenced by Mudd’s Women. The spangled mint green fabric and upper bodice with diagonal slash is clearly Ruth Bonaventure’s gown.  And the bottom half of the gown clearly borrows from Eve McHuron’s pink gown with its diamond-shaped slashes across the hips and thighs.

Left: A model sashays down the runway in a Trek-inspired gown in the Moschino Fall 2018 Collection. Right: Eve and Ruth in the originals by William Ware Theiss in Star Trek’s “Mudd’s Women”

Now I admit, Mudd’s Women is not one of my most favorite episode of TOS, (and I’ll do a write up on it eventually) but I’m both happy and a little bummed to see Theiss’ influence a good 52 years after the original airing.   Happy that the costume design still resonate a half century later, bummed because this isn’t even trying to be original, but a clear mash-up of the two original gowns.  Well, I hope the Theiss estate gets a chunk of the profit!

You can see the whole collection here.

Trek Merchandise, Costume Calamity!

They got Kirk’s hair right…

Ever since Star Trek premiered in ’66, the merchandisers have been there to get their cut.  Here’s a few examples of some of the more ‘fascinating’ examples of Halloween costumes!  The details are hilariously bizarre – characters always wear their likenesses on their uniforms! Lots of bad color choices in both the costumes and art (although the cover likenesses are pretty good.  I suspect the actors rarely if ever got and percentage of these, don’t know if they’d want it either!  Lots of cheap plastic here; most illogical!

But not the uniform!


Kirk wears pink on his off days; McCoy plays captain, and they both shift their insignias! How about that Yellow Submarine Shuttle?

A real Klingon would probably kill you if he had to wear this! Those masks got smelly after a while.

Original 60s Spock Costume

With extra eye shadow and lipstick for evening wear!

And Spock always wears The Enterprise on his shirt so he can be returned if lost!

Even the Enterprise is yellow!

For the Trekkie on you List from Way Back When

Lately I’ve been finding a lot of vintage Trek merchandise on line, and since this is the giving time of year, I thought it would be fun to see what was in Trekkie Stockings in years past.  There was some Trek merchandise in the 60’s (remember those AMT models?) but Trek merchandise really boomed in the 70’s when it hit  syndication and merchandisers had a cash cow on their hands!  Some was pretty cool, some was downright awful, but it was all fun!   I’ll be posting Trek merchandise from time to time.  Enjoy, and see if you remember or received any of this stuff!

I had this poster in the ’70s

Yup, had this too!

Rare Kellogg’s Corn Flakes Trek masks – dig the ‘android’ !

No troublesome dangly cords with this ‘electric phaser gun’!

And with this Remco Rocket Pistol, you could really rev it up! ( I think this was a standard design that they just slapped a Trek sticker onto!)

The magnificent Mego toys of the 70’s

The incredible Telescreen Console – Great artwork!

Not quite sure how it worked but it looks like Kirk’s man-cave!

Say there! Uh-Oh, Spock’s in Red!

Because Spock knows the best way to get down to a planet is by parachute!

In this Trek game, Kirk and Uhura are in the Science department!

My Weekly Spock: Happy New Year Smiling Spock-tacular!

Hey Kids,

No matter what this new year brings, you gotta start your day with a smile!  Here’s some previously unseen out-take Spock smiles from the new blu-ray The Roddenberry Vault! (I got it for Christmas! Will review soon!)  Wishing you all a blessed and healthy new year! Love, Therese

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Wideo Wednesday – More bits from The Roddenberry Vault!

Holy Cow – McCoy kissed Yeoman Barrows!   I can’t wait to see what other gems this video will reveal!  You also see some smiling Nimoy here ❤

Here’s an image capture off my computer of McCoy kissing Yeoman Barrows. It’s a deleted scene from ‘Shore Leave’ taken from the new Blu-Ray disc “The Roddenberry Vault’

Battle of the Star Trek Dolls!

Okay, so it isn’t really a battle, but it’s definitely a siren call to the hearts of Trekkies everywhere; lifelike Star Trek dolls that celebrate the series’ 50th anniversary. From Mattel to Matchbox, every toy dealer wants a piece of the anniversary cake!


Mattel’s 50th Anniversary Star Trek Set

Just this week it Mattel released pictures of its new line of commemorative Star Trek Barbies dolls: A trio featuring Kirk, Spock, and Uhura. I’m happy to see Uhura in the mix, but the first question popping up all over is “Where’s McCoy and Scotty?” And I agree, but I’d amend that to “Where’s Everyone Else?”91XPmarjAzL._SL1500_.0

canvas index

Now I confess, for a while there, I was a Barbie collector (I still have a dozen or so unboxed, sleeping peacefully in a storage bin). But I’ve seen other movie and TV-based Barbie collections over the years; Twilight, Mad Men, Hunger Games,  and often the company has created more than 3 characters from each franchise.  I just hope they’ll consider adding McCoy, Scotty, Sulu, Chekov, Chapel and Rand too!

At $35 each, these Mattel ones are not top-of-the-line, but they do have beautiful facial recreations of Bill, Leonard, and Nichelle.   I love that they included Uhura’s classic green hoop earrings and her distinct eye makeup.   I only wish they gave her seamless bendable knees, as they do in regular Barbie dolls.  I think she would have looked more realistic with the wonderful curvy body mold of the new dolls coming out. The Kirk doll has Bill’s intense stare, and Spock is a handsome recreation of young Nimoy (right down to his eye- shadow)

Of course this isn’t the first time Mattel has aimed itself at Trek fans — back in 1996, they produced a cute Star Trek Barbie and Ken.  Barbie’s high ponytail with a braid  was a direct rip-off of Yeoman Martha Landon from The Apple,  (unfortunately, Celeste Yarnall didn’t receive a cent). Ken was the standard Ken, but with a ready Kirk grin. The box featured a backdrop still of K& S on the bridge, making it perfect for display.


Therese’s son Matt as a toddler playing with his Star Trek Ken. (2002)

Mattel gambled (and lost) a bundle in overproducing the Anniversary set; they must have presumed that they’d make a fortune off of rabid fans, but it didn’t come to pass, and you can still find quite a few on secondary markets.  It’s a cute set, I actually had one, and let my boys play with them when they were youngsters.


The Mattel Vina Barbie, exclusively sold at the San Diego Comic Con.

Not to be outdone– the San Diego Comic Con has two retro Trek dolls to die for.  The first is another from Mattel, but only exclusive to Comic Con attendees.  😦  It’s a fully articulated Vina from The Cage! ($50) It’s more a green Orion than Susan Oliver, but it’s a joy to see; especially the recreation of the lizard dress.



Then from (Mattel’s) Hot Wheels, there’s a diorama of Nimoy dressed as Spock, leaning against his beloved ’64 Buick Rivera. It’s the 3D version of this iconic photograph.  These are both fabulous!

SCDD spockbuick

Spock Wheels Hot Wheels! Another Exclusive from SDCC




For even higher-end merchandise, there’s two companies with dazzling, and remarkably realistic figures.  There are figures of Kirk and  Spock from Quantum Mechanix.  These beauties will set you back @ $180 each, but if you’re die-hard enough for incredible likenesses, this is for you. The figures are thoroughly articulated with all the accoutrements of phaser, communicator, and tricorder. One surprising aspect of the costuming is that includes the rarely seen light brown phaser belt that hung under the uniforms in season 1!  Truly remarkable, heck, they even have 5 0’clock shadow!


It even appears that the insignias are sewn on!




Not to be outdone, but the next set is my favorite of all– from the Mezco One: Twelve Collective comes the ultimate and truly most astonishing Trek figures I’ve ever seen!  There are three figures so far, Kirk, Spock, and Sulu, and I do believe there are more to come. They each have great accessories and a stand with the Trek delta patch on them, and Sulu even gets a sword!  But the best part is that they have interchangeable hands and heads! (two facial expressions each).   The likenesses are so lovingly rendered it’s like they’ve walked right off the screen!  Kirk’s face has both serious and gentle Kirk-smirk expressions, Sulu has a serious helm expression and a true Sulu smile, and Spock’s has a cool demeanor or his ultimate arched eyebrow! Spock also has mind-meld hands, communicator/phaser hands, and of course the Vulcan Salute)  Can’t wait to see what they’d do with McCoy, Uhura, and the rest…  (Spock and Sulu are out now, Kirk in July) Mezco One 12 Collective Star Trek Spock action figure 2 Mezco One 12 Collective Star Trek Spock action figure 6 Mezco One 12 Collective Star Trek Sulu action figureMZ76161lg

Mezco has also made a masterful limited edition replica of Spock as he appeared in The Cage. The details are meticulous as always, right down to the shorter haircut, away-team jacket, and vintage phaser.  Just gorgeous.

Mezco-Variant-Spock-4 Mezco-Variant-Spock-3 Mezco-Variant-Spock-2 Mezco-Variant-Spock-Featured


All I can say after seeing these is that one is never too old to play with dolls!

toy collage