Monthly Archives: August 2019

Saturday at TreKonderoga! Pt. 1 Cosplayers!

Hi Everyone!  Last Saturday (August 24) I had the pleasure of going to the great annual  Star Trek convention in upstate NY known as ‘Trekonderoga”!   This was my second year at the event, and I had a fun time.

This year’s guests were David Frankham  (Larry Marvick in  Is There in Truth No Beauty?), Robin Curtis (Saavik in Star Trek III and IV), Terry Farrell (Jadzia Dax of Deep Space Nine) and Ethan Peck (Spock in Star Trek: Discovery).   I was so happy to meet with all these wonderful actors, and especially David Frankham, who is one of the most active 93-year old actors you’ll ever meet, and a total delight!

This was the second TreKonderoga I’ve been to, (the cons began 5 years ago) and I suspect I’ll go to it again next year (usually in August).  The event is based around the year-round attraction that is  Star Trek Original Series Tour, where its creator, James Cawley, has totally recreated the complete and original Star Trek set which was used in the fan series Star Trek New Voyages: Phase II.   If you’re ever in the area, check out the tour, it truly takes you back in time, it might even make you a little weepy with joy!

I’ll be writing several posts here about each of the actors and events, but for now, enjoy these great cosplayers!  These fans brought their game, and it’s lovely!

Start Your Week with a Smile!

As Little Orphan Annie sang: “You’re never fully dressed without a smile!”   Sending you a bunch of Trek smiles to start your week off right! ❤ 🙂

I Found a Review of Star Trek: The Movie from 40 Years Ago!

This year marks the 40th Anniversary of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, and I just happened to come across this old article that I hadn’t posted here before!  It’s a review from the local college paper Pipe Dream, and it has a lot of  nice local Binghamton, NY flavor, which filled me with nostalgia for simpler times.

The writer, Robert Greenberger, was just as excited to see this new incarnation of Trek as the rest of us, and he gives a loving review.   He was clearly delighted, and saw this effort as ‘well worth the wait’.  However, he did note that the glut of special effects did overpower the heart of the story.  He says one of the best sequences is the first time we see The Enterprise and “the ship is explored for the next ten minutes” (To me, that part was 8 minutes too long!)

He also rightly points out the the supporting characters were not given enough to do and that the plot tends to have annihilation encroaching every  every five minutes, leaving character development in the dust.  But he’s still happy to see that the positive message at the soul of Star Trek is still there:  The future need not be bleak.   Something we truly can hope for in these strange times 40 years later.   I hope Robert will find this and say Hi!  Enjoy.