Category Archives: TeeVeeeee!

A blog about favorite TV shows, past and present

My Weekly Spock -Leonard on Carol Burnett (VIDEO)

Last year,  the first season of the Carol Burnett Show became available for the first time and we were finally able to answer the question, “What was Mr. Spock doing on Carol Burnett?”  The answer is here, and a pretty goofy one too! Enjoy!

More Scrapbook coming soon!

Hey kids,  I’ll be posting more bits form my old Trek scrapbooks very soon, so stay tuned!  I just finished scanning all of my second (of 4) scrapbooks today, and that took me two days!  Then I have to adjust and crop each page and article too so it looks right and ordered here.   Soon I’ll be scanning  Volume 3 ,and I know Volume 4 is around here somewhere, so eventually I’ll have all of them up.  Thanks so much for your patronage and nice comments, I aim to please.  After going through piles of Trek memorabilia—sometimes I feel like Kirk in this scene…

Davy Jones – Gone Too Soon.

I heard today the very sad news that singer, actor,jockey, and former Monkee Davy Jones passed away from a heart attack in his home today, he was only 66.  Long before Davy was a Monkee, he was a child actor on British soap operas and played The Artful Dodger in Oliver! on Broadway.  Ironically, the night that The Beatles performed on The Ed Sullivan Show, Davy was backstage with the cast of  Oliver! waiting to perform; little did he or the screaming hordes in the theater know that he’d become as idolized as Paul McCartney in just two years.

I had the great pleasure of seeing Davy perform with Peter Tork and Mickey Dolenz  when they  did a Monkee reunion in 1996. It was a great show and you could see that Davy LOVED performing.   My sister and I had 7th row seats and at one point, Davy  walked up and down the side aisles, touching hands with fans. I found myself calling “Come here Davy!”  (just like a tween again).  Alas we were too far in the aisle, but man, what a fun show!  I recall it once said of Davy that “..if a fridge door opened, he’d do five minutes!” and I could just see him performing for the milk and mayonnaise.  He had one of the most unique, warm, yet seductive voices I’ve ever heard. Behold several of my favorites:

And here’s the funny scene from The Brady Bunch Movie (1995) where Davy sings  Girl at the school dance –looking a bit confused at the grunge influence,but so fun! The teachers are turned on and the students eventually realize that this guy was cool! (not the best quality, but the only copy I could find)

A commenter on YouTube wrote today: “A part of my childhood passed away today.”   I think many American women in my generation (1960’s) would sadly agree. Farewell Davy. Thanks for the joy.