Category Archives: Contests

We have a Winner! (Spock Look-Alike Contest)

Well Kids, we have a winner in our Spock Look-Alike Contest!

Congratulations to Roy from England!  If Nimoy ever needs a stand-in, you should be on his speed-dial!  I will be mailing out the Media Spotlight Magazine to you this week, Enjoy!

"Roy" From England

“Roy” From England

And a hearty thanks to runner up  Mr. Spock T.O. from Canada!  I’ll be sending you a little something too for your entry! Congrats to both!

Mr. Spock T.O. from Ontario

Mr. Spock T.O. from Ontario

Spock Look-Alike Contestants are Here! Vote Today through Sunday (April 7th)

We Got Two Entrants for our Spock-Look-Alike Contest!  You can vote below in the poll (one vote each, please) The winner will be announced on Monday, March 8th!

And here they are:

Mr. Spock T.O. from Ontario

Mr. Spock T.O. from Canada

"Roy" From England

“Roy” From England

Spock Look-Alike Entry Deadline EXTENDED for 24 hours!! Due April 2nd 11:59p.m.

Hey kids, I’m extending the deadline on the Spock-Lookalike Contest for ONE MORE DAY!  (April 2nd, 11:59p.m. EDT) for the deadline! We have two entrants so far so there will be voting! Wait til you see them! 😀 Be sure to e-mail your picture, username, and country to:     Entrants will be posted on April 3rd, Winner announced on April 8th!

Thanks and Good Luck! Poster10