Tag Archives: Tribbles

I Made Captain Kirk! (Progress Gallery)

Hi Everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Easter/Spring Break and that you were lucky enough here in the States to see the Total Solar Eclipse! We had perfect weather — the day BEFORE the eclipse— but it was grey and cloudy on the actual day 😦 . However we did experience a temperature drop and moderate darkness during the eclipse which was quite extraordinary!

In other news, the past couple of weeks I have indulged in my latest hobby, and it is highly gratifying! I’ve been learning to work with polymer clay and it has truly been a rewarding and somewhat life-changing experience! Thanks to watching the polymer master “Ace of Clay” on YouTube, it’s so satisfying to see a germ of an idea I had over a decade ago finally brought to fruition and completed!

So the project actually started years ago when I was in a craft shop and spotted a cute bag of craft pom-poms that looked like little tribbles with their perfect coloring of beige, brown, and white. I thought, it would make an cute sculpture someday with Kirk engulfed by tribbles! I bought the pom-poms with great ambition.

Of course I wasn’t sure how I’d make the sculpture. I considered a fabric one, with felt to be stuffed and painted with the pom-poms glued on, but the logistics bugged me. What proportions could it be and how to keep it stable? I let the idea stew for a while, and like many of my creative dreams, the pom-poms got put aside and buried among many of my creative dreams piling up in my closet.

It wasn’t until a month or so ago when I came upon a video by Anthony, the “Ace of Clay” whose polymer clay creations just blew. me. away! I realized that this was my ticket to create my Kirk sculpture, and on March 29th I finally started it! Keep scrolling to see the gallery from start to finish!

I’m very happy with the result and I think it’s okay for my first attempt. Of course I see its imperfections, (to me he looks more like Nicolas Cage that Bill Shatner) but that’s what learning is all about! I cannot describe the marvelous gratification one can have from creating something from scratch. And I am thrilled to add it to my other creative projects (photography and digital collages) — it is just a wonderful tactile, focusing hobby that challenges not only my sculpting skills, but painting too. Good for fine motor skills, and and just basic happiness! (And it only took 20+ years or so to make!) I cannot wait to start new project ! Enjoy the gallery, and watch the captain come to life! (I’ll have to share this with William Shatner!)

Happy First Day of Christmas!

Hi Everyone,

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas Day! As it ends (only 20 minutes left!) I finally finished this Collage I worked on when I could! But since Christmas is technically 12 days, I hope you will all continue to enjoy this beautiful season! Looks like Kirk left the Holiday storage compartment open!

Love to all, Therese 🙂

(Another BeatleTrek) Captain Kirk’s Comely Starfleet Brand…

Hi Everyone,

Here’s an idea I’ve had for a LONG time and I finally got it to come to fruition.  As I’m sure many of you have seen, in the past I have made many silly collages which combine the two best pop culture phenomenons of the 1960’s; Star Trek and The Beatles!  You can see my previous ‘Beatle Trek’s’ here.

Anyway, for ages I wanted to recreate the famous Sgt.Pepper’s Lonely Heart’s Club Band except make it with memorable Star Trek Characters. As the centerpiece,  Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Scotty replace  the Fab Four, and I poured over many pictures to find just the right character to fill in for all the originals (and a few more) for this cover.

You’ll note that the Klingons replace the waxworks figures of The Beatles, Mohammed Ali’s robed boxer is replaced with robed Lord Garth from Whom Gods Destroy, glamorous Droxine and Carolyn Palamas take over for Marlene Dietrich and Diana Dors.  I’ve added many other characters in positions close to the originals: notice Miranda Jones’ hand behind Kirk, just as Issy Bonn’s hand was behind Paul McCartney’s head in the original!   I also have many more women in this version than the Pepper album.  But as The Beatles chose their favorite heroes for their album, I chose my favorite characters for this.  And of course you will find our dear Celeste Yarnall (Martha Landon in The Apple)  in the mix.  Although she sadly passed before she could see it, her widower, Nazim assured me she would have enjoyed it. Indeed, I have always found creativity a balm for sorrow, and I recommend creating something yourself, anything with your heart and hands, to help you at your sad times.

You’ll notice that most of these characters are not crew members, as I did a massive collage of as many Enterprise members as I could in the past.  I also intentionally posted some characters in black and white instead of color, like on the original.  If you look closely, you’ll see Alexander from Plato’s Stepchildren in Shirley Temple’s place and Balok from The Corbomite Maneuver flopped out like the doll in Rolling Stones sweater too! I even used Star Trek plants to replace the flora of the original. And be sure to look out for 4 hidden Spocks (as well as the main one in the center)!

If you can’t identify all the characters, I created a numbered key for the poster below.   Enjoy, and please let me know what you think!  Thanks, Therese ❤

     Key to Characters in“Captain Jim Kirk’s Comely Starfleet Brand

  1. Ruk (Ted Cassidy) in What are Little Girls Made Of?
  2. Khan Noonian Singh (Ricardo Montalban) in Space Seed
  3. Kara (Tanya Lemani) in Wolf in the Fold
  4. T’Pring (Arlene Martel) in Amok Time
  5. Zarabeth (Mariette Hartley) in All Our Yesterdays
  6. Bela Oxmyx (Anthony Caruso) in A Piece of the Action
  7. “Koik” (William Shatner) in A Piece of the Action
  8. The Prosecutor (Kermit Murdock) in All Our Yesterdays
  9. The Keeper (Meg Wylie) in The Cage
  10. Marta (Yvonne Craig) in Whom Gods Destroy
  11. Harcort (‘Harry’) Fenton Mudd (Roger C. Carmel) in Mudd’s Women
  12. Yeoman Martha Landon (Celeste Yarnall) in The Apple
  13. Commissioner Bele (Frank Gorshin) in Let That Be Your Last Battlefield
  14. Ayelborne (John Abbott) in Errand of Mercy
  15. Dr. Thomas Leighton (William Sargent) in The Conscience of the King
  16. Lt. Uhura (Nichelle Nichols)
  17. Street Girl #1 (Dianne Thorne) in A Piece of the Action
  18. T’Pau (Celia Lovsky) in Amok Time
  19. Kissy Spock (Leonard Nimoy)
  20. Evil Sulu (George Takei) in Mirror, Mirror
  21. Ambassador Petri (Jay Robinson) in Elaan of Troyius
  22. Leila Kalomi (Jill Ireland) in This Side of Paradise
  23. Serious Spock (Leonard Nimoy)
  24. Jojo Kracko (Vic Tayback) in A Piece of the Action
  25. Number One (Majel Barrett) in The Cage
  26. Blasted Crewman in Arena
  27. Cyrano Jones (Stanley Adams) in The Trouble with Tribbles
  28. Mr. Atoz (Ian Wolfe) in All Our Yesterdays
  29. Sylvia (Antoinette Bower) in Catspaw
  30. Vina (Susan Oliver) in The Cage
  31. Zabo (Steven Marlo) in A Piece of the Action
  32. Miranda Jones (Diana Muldaur) in Is There in Truth No Beauty?
  33. Miranda Jones’ Vulcan Salute (Diana Muldaur) in Is There in Truth No Beauty?
  34. Kalo (Lee Delano) in A Piece of the Action
  35. The First Fop (Ed Bakey) in All Our Yesterdays
  36. Surak (Barry Atwater) in The Savage Curtain
  37. Andrea (Sherry Jackson) in What are Little Girls Made Of?
  38. Lenore Karidian (Barbara Anderson) in The Conscience of the King
  39. Joe Tormolen (Stewart Moss) in The Naked Time
  40. Alice  Series #3 (Alyce Andrece) in I, Mudd
  41. Stella Series #1 (Kay Elliot) in I, Mudd
  42. Alice Series #99 (Rhae Andrece) in I, Mudd
  43. Adam (Charles Napier) in The Way to Eden
  44. Sargent (Lincoln Demyan) in Assignment: Earth
  45. Trefayne (David Hillary Hughes) in Errand Of Mercy
  46. Claymore (Peter Brocco) in Errand Of Mercy
  47. Nils Barris (William Schallert) in The Trouble with Tribbles
  48. Flavius Maximus (Rhodes Reason) in Bread and Circuses
  49. The Romulan Commander (Joanna Linville) in The Enterprise Incident
  50. Vulcan Executioner (Russ Peek) in Amok Time
  51. Sister Edith Keeler (Joan Collins) in The City on the Edge of Forever
  52. General Trelane, Retired (William Campbell) in The Squire of Gothos
  53. Elaan (France Nuyen) in Elaan of Troyius
  54. Lord Garth ( Steve Inhat) in Whom Gods Destroy
  55. Korax (Michael Pataki) in The Trouble with Tribbles
  56. Captain Koloth (William Campbell) in The Trouble with Tribbles
  57. Commander Kor(John Colicos) in Errand Of Mercy
  58. Captain Kang (Michael Ansara) in The Day of the Dove
  59. Dr. Leonard McCoy (DeForest Kelley) in Operation: Annihilate!
  60. Commander Montgomery Scott (James Doohan) ) in Operation: Annihilate!
  61. Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) in Operation: Annihilate!
  62. First Officer Spock (Leonard Nimoy) in Operation: Annihilate!
  63. Mary (Pamelyn Ferdin) in And the Children Shall Lead
  64. Droxine ( Diana Ewing) in The Cloud Minders
  65. Balok’s Puppet (voiced by Ted Cassidy) in What are Little Girls Made Of?
  66. Lt. Carolyn Palamas (Leslie Parrish) in Who Mourns for Adonais?
  67. The Bartender (Guy Raymond) in The Trouble with Tribbles
  68. Evil Spock (Leonard Nimoy) in Mirror, Mirror
  69. Alexander (Michael Dunn) in Plato’s Stepchildren
  70. The Real Balok (Clint Howard) in The Corbomite Maneuver
  71. Magda (Susan Denberg) in Mudd’s Women
  72. Captain Kirk’s Aztec Fertility God
  73. Mr. Spock’s Vulcan Harp
  74. Mr. Sulu’s Beauregard and other plants from The Man Trap
  75. White and Brown Tribbles from The Trouble with Tribbles
  76. Mercury Bust from Space Seed and Mirror, Mirror
  77. Captain Kirk’s Golden Box from his quarters
  78. Spock (Leonard Nimoy) on monitor from The Corbomite Maneuver
  79. Ruth Bonaventure (Maggie Thrett) in Mudd’s Women
  80. Grey Tribbles from The Trouble with Tribbles
  81. Starfleet Delta formed in gold carnations
  82. Deadly Flower from The Apple
  83. The USS Enterprise in golden carnations
  84. The Spores from This Side of Paradise
  85. Eve McHuron (Karen Steele) from Mudd’s Women
  86. Sayana’s Headdress from The Apple
  87. The Horta’s Eggs from The Devil in the Dark


13 Times The Animated Star Trek Mimicked the Original

Lately I’ve been reacquainting myself with the animated Star Trek series (TAS -1973-4).  I remember being a 12-year old and excited that my favorite show was being brought back (at least in animation) and that maybe the Enterprise could finally finish its five year mission!  For the most part, it was pretty good, I only wished I had a color TV to watch it on!                                                         Anyway, recently I’ve seen a few episodes on Netflix and it really seemed all new to me again, as I hadn’t since the early 70’s.  I was taken by the lovely backgrounds and the simple, but accurate way the animation captured the faces and subtle nuances of the original actors. (Can a cartoon male be handsome? You bet!).  But something that also stood out for me was how the series often mimicked the original (TOS) in angles and style; the creators at Filmation clearly did their homework as you’ll see in these examples.   Lets’ start with some opening Enterprise shots. The makers of the series did a beautiful job recreating the ship.  There’s much more detail in the orbital images than the character scenes, but it’s lovely.  Rotoscoping anyone? thejihadcatspaw                                                                                      magikscage-12





The Enterprise in its animated form: Top: Orbital views from ‘The Jihad’ and ‘Catspaw’ Center: Clever rotoscoping seen in “The Magicks fo Megus-Tu” taken from “The Cage”. Bottom: Shoulder view of the Enterprise in ‘The Terratin Incident’ and “Who Mourns for Adonais?”

But wait, there’s more.  There were several detail and character scenes that were clearly influenced by the original (if sometimes with subtlety):

Scotty in a shaft in "Once Upon a Planet" and in the Jeffries Tube in "The Naked Time".

Scotty in a shaft in “Once Upon a Planet” and in the Jeffries Tube in “The Naked Time”.

Digital time panel in "The Counter-Clock Incident" and "The Naked Time"

Digital time panel in “The Counter-Clock Incident” and “The Naked Time”

Eyebrow City - Lara from 'The Jihad' and Zora from "The Savage Curtain"

Eyebrow City – Lara from ‘The Jihad’ and Zora from “The Savage Curtain”

Ready for my super close-up: Magna in 'The Time Trap' and Sirah in "The Omega Glory"

Ready for my super close-up: Magna in ‘The Time Trap’ and Sirah in “The Omega Glory”


They HAD to do this one! Kirk’s booted feet with tribbles in “More Tribbles, More Troubles”, and in “The Trouble with Tribbles”

In Once Upon a Planet, the Enterprise crew visits the amusement park planet again as they did in Shore Leave – so of course Alice and the White Rabbit are there, but then there’s a clear reference to Catspaw, when a giant cat menaces the crew from a doorway:once-shorejpg onceshore once-capspaw

Another  revisited character was Harry Mudd – this time in Mudd’s Passion, peddling love potion to Nurse Chapel in her eternal quest for Spock’s affections.  Here, he offers her pills, just as he did to his ‘cargo’ in Mudd’s Women: muddspassionwomenjpg

Finally, this one surprised me the most: In Albatross, Nurse Chapel checks on  sleeping patient Kol-Tai in practically the same angle she checks in on a sleeping Spock in Amok Timealbatross-amokjpg

Well, this was a fun visit to the Saturday morning cartoons of my youth (modern kids don’t know what they were missing!)  If anyone here knows of any more similarities between TAS and TOS, let me know! I’ll post them!

Next Time: The Backdrops of TAS.

Nichelle Just Got Tribbled!

I LOVE this picture that Nichelle Nichols posted recently!  Maybe this is the Tribble version of The Tonight Show’s ‘Pup Quiz’ except when you get the answer right you get a Tribble!  I hope I can meet her someday — I did see her at the Star Trek Bi-Centennial 10 Convention in 1976, but of course I was out of film by then!!!  Love you Girl! That looks like a designer leopard tribble! ❤

Nichelle Tribbles

FArFri: Adopt a Tribble!

Found this on Tumblr — So cute.  Things go better with tribbles — even Spock is happy!   The cartoon styling remind me of the kinds of characters you’d see in a mid century UPA cartoon!   The cartoon is credited to annamariajung.com, but I did not see anything like it there.


#43 The Trouble with Tribbles

I’ve been grinding out a bunch of these Trek movie posters lately!  For the next few weeks you’ll see new ones every Tuesday and Thursday!  I made a variation of Kirk in the Tribbles here; his body from one scene and his head from the moment he says “WHERE?” to Scotty. Also it seemed only right to throw Koloth into the mix.

Enjoy, and let me know how you like them!   I’m up to # 50 now!

43 The Trouble with Tribbles

FArFri 1/13/14 — Orgy of Tribbles by Sara Manca (heiligerShadowfax)

laocoon_orgy_of_tribbles_by_heiligershadowfax-d4bt2dlThe Enterprise Crew can’t catch a break with all those Tribbles in this delightful piece by Sara Manca  (heiligerShadowfax on DeviantArt)  I think that’s McCoy’s arm!

The Daily Scrapbook 5/1/13 (Jan1979) Star Trek Winding Down and a showing at the Library!

Here’s today’s flashback: From January 1979, an article about the Trek movie winding down, and some interesting takes from the stars — I love De Kelley, who was just enjoying the show, much more laid back about being a part of the whole thing.  Says De:

…I’m not as ambitious as Bill and Leonard…I had a good career before Star Trek, playing mostly heavies, and I’m content to take it easy.  After all, I’ve been around a while.

(Kelley was 58 at the time of this article, bless him.) Also, a note about Nimoy’s next project “Seizure” and another boffo ad for Invasion of the Body Snatchers, And for all those nerds without dates there’s also was a showing of” The The Trouble with Tribbles” at a local branch of the Library. (Mind you, this was the era before Netflix, and Trekkies had to get their fixes anywhere they could!)V2-030 copy V2-031 copy

Toon Tuesday: 2/19/13 Tribble Party!

tribble partySo much bad news in the world lately, this seemed like a good time for my first attempt at a Trek motivational poster… Apparently Kirk didn’t get the memo that this was NOT Uniform-Optional!