Tag Archives: Chekov

Cartooning TOS (Big Gallery) (Part I)

If you haven’t seen the latest app Voila! Al Atriste , it’s the latest silly Face App you can use to modify your selfies and pics of your favorite people. Naturally I couldn’t resist trying it with TOS crew and characters, like I did a year ago with a different app!

There are different settings, Cartoon (2d an 3D) and like an oil painting from the 15th, 19, or current century. Most of these are in cartoon mode! Amazing how Shatner, Nichols, Sulu and Chapel’s faces worked here. Nimoy’s, especially with the pointed ears, gave the algorithm a bit of trouble at first , sometimes rounding his points! Very reminiscent of the Disney style. But the main beef I have about this app is that it often turns the brown or dark eyes blue! (Especially in ‘baby’ mode). I ended up modifying the eyes on some of these. I ended up getting fully addicted to the app to see what would come next! I will probably delete the app in a few weeks 🙂

But for today I’m only posting the main crew, with more throughout this and next week. One thing’s for sure, it made me want to remake a whole bunch new TOS animated episodes wit this app! Enjoy! I’d love to hear some comments!

(GALLERY) Elf on a Shelf -Trek Style! The Finale! #’s 8,9,10,11,12 and So On!

Merry Christmas Eve Everyone! Sending you ALL the rest of my silly Trek-Style Dad-Joke Elf on a Shelves for your Holidays, as well as all the ones posted already! (I can’t believe I’ve made 20 of these!) Love you All and Wishing you a very happy, blessed and safe Christmas and New Years! Please let me know which are your favorites! See you in January! Hugs, Stay safe! – Therese xo

Happy 84th Birthday Walter Koenig!

We Love you Walter! God Bless you Stay Well and Safe! Hope you had a great day!

Star Trek TOS with ‘FaceApp’ (My Gallery of 45 pictures)

Note: Caturday with Spock will be back next week 🙂 In the meantime…

You might have noticed ads or images from the new Facebook App called FaceApp. This App was created a few years ago, but recently got a new boost with images featuring famous TV and movie characters. I bet a lot of you saw these of our TOS pals. The big fun is switching sexes of famous characters or making them old!

Well I couldn’t resist, and I put the app on my phone then played with a WHOLE mess of images from TOS! I gotta say, sometimes it’s astonishing how great some of our friends look here as the opposite sex – especially Bill Shatner, who said of one of his doctored images “I’d do me!” Enjoy!

Let’s start with gender-switching:

I gotta say, Bill has a great face for drag!

“I’d like to see the Manager, please…”
“Okay, so mullets still don’t work in the 23rd century”
“Did ya miss me?”
Oh Doctor Baby Blues!
Spock already had makeup, so he just needed a wig!
Could Mr. DeSalle be Captain Janeway’s Grandfather?
Of course Jim’s worst nightmare! Bill, you could have pulled it off! (But think the application made the top of his head a little too short!)
Sulu is magnificent!
Just when you thought Chekov couldn’t get any cuter…
And Walter was already wearing extra eye liner in The Way to Eden so yeah, this works!
Holy Cow Scotty! you look like SNL comedienne Cecily Strong!!
Spock makes a great Cher!
Or Agent 99!
Nurse Chapel could be Owen Wilson…
Uhura makes a gorgeous guy!
Nurse Chapel as David Hasslehoff!
Kyle looks a bit dazed.
Kirk is the ultimate Breck girl.

How about some guest stars?

Tyree already had the hair, just needed some extensions!
Meanwhile, Nona becomes even more no-nonsense!
Trelane becomes Louis XIV!
Korob could rival Divine.
Dr Jan Lester.
Dr Sevrin found a way to cover those cauliflower ears!
I’m beginning to wonder if David Hasslehof WAS the template for the ‘male’ face!
Kirk always said that Nancy was a handsome woman…
I think Proconsul Marcus is ready for her Vegas act, or as someone off of Real Houswives
Meanwhile Merrick is ready for Vogue
Apollo looks like my gorgeous niece!

Okay, enough gender-swaps! Another feature is playing with facial hair and aging, and some of the results were quite surprising!

Somehow I couldn’t get enough of the beard application…

Isok was born to wear a beard.
As was Kirk!
Aaand I went a little nuts with Patterns of Force
Of Course…
Just one more.

And now some nerdy college professor types…

Jim teaches Advanced Relationships…
Korob is in College Admissions, good luck getting past him.
Spock’s the Sexy Archive Librarian…

Then when we get into Aging, whoa!

So if Kirk and Co. hadn’t got to Miri on time. Poor Kid.
This made me laugh because he reminds me of a family friend!
If Severin lived, he’d make a cool Grandpa!
And most astonishing of all, when I aged the photo of Michael Forest as Apollo, the real Michael Forest in Star Trek Continues episode Pilgrim of Eternity looks almost the same if not better! (He’s wonderful! ❤ )

FaceApp made a pretty good estimate of the real aged Spock too!

Well, I think I freaked you our enough today…One thing is for sure. We are all beautiful in our own way, male, female, young, old, nerdy, cool, and so on. We are more than what makes up our shell. May you find your way as pleasant! Happy Fourth of July, please stay safe and healthy!

Start Your Week with a Smile!

As Little Orphan Annie sang: “You’re never fully dressed without a smile!”   Sending you a bunch of Trek smiles to start your week off right! ❤ 🙂


Happy Hanukkah!

“Star Trek Beyond” My Review

Hmm…Maybe in this series of Star Trek movies, it’s the odd numbered ones that are better!


Spock, Jaylah, and McCoy face adversaries in “Star Trek Beyond”

I went to see Star Trek Beyond the other week, going in not sure what to expect, especially since the first trailer left me a little concerned.  Its impression suggested that Beyond would be nothing but action-action- action.   To my delight, this is not the case.  Instead, Beyond has a style that is way more in tune with the original series. Introspection is a key element, but the viewer isn’t beaten over the head with it.  Like the previous Into Darkness, there is reference to the original series, but unlike Darkness, it is refreshingly subtle, sometimes humorous and most importantly, respectful.  This makes Beyond far more enjoyable for old and new fans alike.  (And yes, there’s plenty of action too).

The adventure opens with Kirk attempting to give a peace-offering to a race of beings who glare down at him from a cliff.  His ambassador skills fail in way so comical,  it’s no wonder he doubts his ability as captain, (now three years into the Enterprise mission).  And Kirk isn’t alone with his doubts.  Spock’s relationship with Uhura is strained, and he’s apprehensive for his future with Starfleet, especially since receiving the sad news of Spock Prime’s death.

The Enterprise answers distress signal, but it leads to trouble and threatens whole Earth in doing so.  The crew finds themselves split apart, their beloved ship destroyed. This may sound like tried and true Trek trope, but it makes the characters boldly go where the two previous movies didn’t; forcing them into confrontations with their own mortality, and questioning their worth.

We see crew members paired off after they’re scattered on the harsh planet of Altmid, facing their fears together.  Spock and McCoy, Kirk and Chekov, Uhura and Sulu, and most notably, Scotty and Jaylah.  As they work together to find their way home, friendships become bonds and they realize that their obligations to their starship family goes well beyond duty, but to survival itself.

The cast has evolved in as any acting family would in a nearly 10-year space (!) since this reboot began. Chris Pine has grown a bit more serious and much less frat-boy into his depiction of Kirk, better fitting his character .  Zachary Quinto’s reveals subtle layers of Spock as a Vulcan still learning to hide his emotions.  His inner struggle leads to a very funny moment when he is injured, which leads Karl Urban’s delightful Bones to utter “My God, he’s delirious!” Zoe Saldana’s Uhura is kick-ass class at it’s best, and a strong role model for young women, as is Sofia Boutella, as the lone fighter, Jaylah. It’s bittersweet to see Anton Yelchin in his last outing as Chekov, he is as charming and as smart as ever, but hasn’t nearly enough time on screen as I wished he would. I give props to Simon Pegg, whose screenplay written with Doug Jung, gives Scotty a lot more adventure to bite into this time. They’ve also added subtle backstory to Sulu (John Cho) as we briefly see his husband and daughter.  The writing team has added a lot of the warmth back into the series without being smarmy.  It also deals with the the emotional tug of war that becomes an all-powerful being, as Krall (Idris Elba) has become. One suspects there more to Krall than his merciless destruction,  and eventually we discover his tragic core. It’s classic Trek storytelling, with moral consequences.  And yes, there’s a touching homage to Spock and the original crew too. ❤

My one complaint here is a cosmetic one.  Spock’s Vulcan haircut is too darn short! It needs to sprout a little more above his ears and have sharper sideburns!

Looking forward to seeing this again, and I urge all of you who have abandoned the reboot after the much shunned Darkness to come back and see how our beloved Star Trek can be true to itself again. This Star Trek has come home to its TOS roots, and I cannot think of a better way to honor the original series in its golden anniversary.

Anton Yelchin 1989-2016

AntonIt is with great sadness and  heartbreak that I have to report this latest passing.  Anton Yelchin, the talented young actor who played Chekov in the rebooted Star Trek movies, died as a result of a freak accident at his home on Sunday, June 19th.  He was only 27.

Mr. Yelchin was rolled over by his own car and pinned between it, a brick mailbox pillar and a security fence.  This is so tragic and must be devastating for his his parents, as he was their only child.  We were just getting to know this fine young actor who gave such bubbly energy to the Chekov character. (He was one of my favorite characters in the reboot).  I know he was just beginning his path to assured stardom in his acting career.  Gone too soon, and so terribly tragic.   My heart and prayers to out to his family, friends, fellow actors and all of his admirers.

Seeing him in the upcoming Star Trek Beyond movie will be bittersweet, but I’m thankful we had him there.  For a relatively young actor, he has a long career in movies and television and had made several other critically acclaimed movies, including Charlie Bartlett, (2008) Like Crazy (2011),  The Beaver (2011) , and Green Room (2015)

Rest in Peace dear Anton. You will be missed.


#75 “The Way to Eden”

My Trek Posters are back!  Down to the last 5Here’s The Way to Eden — It took me a while to figure out how to present this bizarre episode; I ended up making it a 23rd century Dear Abby letter from “Edgy Ensign” to “Spocky”.  I especially like Spock’s pensive look!   I found the mandala design on a coloring page for moms, and added psychedelic hues, giving Dr. Severin a halo effect.

75 - The Way to Eden. jpg


Happy 79th Birthday Walter Koenig!

Our favorite Navigator turns 79 today ! Happy Birthday Walter!  Birthday Walter Koenig 79

I’ll be back to my regularly scheduled postings on the 30th – See you then! -Therese