
Getting my silliness back…

Who Wore it Better? Someone wants to be Sylvia.

Well Well, Well. Bill Theiss had predicted the future again!! It appears this Instagram starlet, Dixie d’Amelio, wore this sister dress to Sylvia’s gown at this year’s MTV Video Music Awards. I have never seen her site, nor ever watch these shows (wait, they still make music videos?) but when I came across this picture online, I had to honor William Ware Theiss’ predictive fashion yet again! Sylvia wins, of course.

Dixie d’Amelio at the 2021 MTV Music Video Awards. Sylvia (Antoinette Bpwer) shows Kirk a different look in Catspaw.

Two Brothers in Two Months

Dear Readers,

Recently I asked for your prayers for my brother John, who had been diagnosed with Covid on August 10th. I thank you for all of your care, prayers, and support.

Sadly, my dear brother John passed away from complications of Covid on August 31, just a few days after his 70th Birthday. We are devastated, especially since we just lost our only other brother, Mike,74, on July 27, only a couple weeks after a devastating fall. As I mentioned in a post recently, earlier this year I also lost my brother-in-law Jack (from M.S.) and a wonderful friend, Mary (from recurrent cancer). This has been a hellish year.

I’m sure you’ll understand why I haven’t posted for a while, but I truly appreciate your continued patronage and friendship through this site. I have been working on a fun Trek article about props, but I probably won’t get back to it for a little while, as you can imagine.

At the moment I’m still processing John’s passing, and it is hell. Michael’s passing was bad enough but somehow easier to take since he had been in the ICU for nearly two weeks. But John. The hell of it was that we couldn’t visit him in the Covid ward, and because every day he was fighting so hard just to breathe, that it was even difficult for him to talk on the phone for long, and was so weak to even text. We were able to relay to him our love not long before he passed, and he related to my remaining 4 sisters and I that he loved us too. I cannot imagine life without him, he was such a loving and helpful man; always there for us. We are broken.

My brother John was so funny and loving. At 10 years older than I, he used to torment me as a kid, like most big brothers, but he loved me and all of us dearly. (For years I’d cringe when he’d enter a room in case he’d give me a Vulcan Nerve pinch – complete with whistled sound effect!) He was a magnificent artist with pen and ink, loved car racing, motorcycles and Clint Eastwood spaghetti westerns. Of course he liked Trek too, it was his poster of Mr. Spock on his bedroom wall that first fascinated me with the character. He never owned a car that didn’t need body work, and he loved his cats.

The worst part of this whole event was that it was avoidable. Sadly, John wouldn’t get the vaccination, even though the rest of us had all had our shots, and had urged him to get it. Tragically, he had been taken in by misinformation and baseless conspiracy theories. In the end, he realized he realized he was wrong to have not gotten it, and regretted that he was a denier. He relayed a heartfelt apology to us. I can only take comfort that he is with our brother Mike and sister Maggie, and our Mom and Dad and all his beloved friends and family who went before him.

I can only urge anyone out there who feels that they are impervious to any current or future strain of Covid that they must take this seriously. Covid does not care about your race, nationality, sex, politics or age, it only knows it can kill you. Our only defense is masking, social distancing and most of all getting vaccinated. The more of us who are vaccinated, the better the chance we can stop the next, worse, variant in its tracks. Otherwise the variants will get worse, and we cannot afford that, not in America, not in the whole world.

If I lose a few readers here for my stance here, that’s your choice. But because I love you all, I urge you to please take care and get vaccinated. I don’t want this to happen to you. Too many families have suffered losses from this preventable, frightening virus. I never thought that my family would become another statistic, but here it is.

Thank you, I’ll be back soon ❤

Here is a photo of my two brothers taken in 2009. John (left) and Michael. My heart will ache forever.

John and Mike in 2009. <3<3

Some Days…

Hi Everyone,

As you may recall from a recent post, I’m kind of having a rough year. In addition to losing a friend, my brother-in-law, and most recently, my oldest brother,(Mike) my family is now in the midst of another sad crisis. My only other brother, John, (I have 4 sisters) has been sickened with Covid, and he has been in the hospital for nearly two weeks now.

My friends, please say a little prayer for my brother. He recently turned 70, but we couldn’t visit him in the Covid ward, so we sent cards. He is now in ICU, and we are still hopeful, and we pray for his survival. Thank you.

I made this little meme, because I think we all have days like this. My best wishes to you, and please get vaccinated ❤


Know the difference.

Please continue to stay safe everyone. We still have a ways to go. 😦

Personal Farewells

Friends, pardon me for not posting for a while.

This year has been tough for me, I have lost three people who were very close to me.

The first was my brother-in-law, Jack. (January) He was a wonderful poet, writer, photographer and such a funny, kind man. I’m so thankful he was part of our family.

The second was my friend Mary,(June) who was one of the busiest people I ever knew. Always active in school events and supporting animal shelters. She sang in two choirs, and well as an excellent chef. Her sense of humor would leave us laughing for hours.

And most recently, my oldest brother Michael, (this past week) who would have been 75 this coming Sunday. He was a sculptor, artist, and writer, with a wicked dry sense of humor. He was a loving brother all of us and devoted single father of five daughters, 11 grand-kids, and 2 great grand-kids, the loves of his life. He even wrote a funny fan fiction, Major Toad which was his own take on Mr. Toad’s adventures after “The Wind and The Willows”.

I will miss these three beautiful people so much, but I am so thankful they were in my life. I take joy in all the love and happiness love they brought to my life and the lives of all their friends and family. They will never be forgotten, and always a part of my heart.

Rest in Sweet Peace Jack, Mary, and Mike ❤ ❤ ❤

More Cartooning TOS (Guest Star Gallery)

I couldn’t resist doing another batch of these. Funny how the Voila! app makes all the women on the show look even more doll-faced; Stella too! Of course the lighting and common soft focus on TOS added to it! By the way, for those wondering, a reader asked why I made all the characters look like children in my last post. Well, that’s all part of the app algorithm! Also, the original app gives you three versions of the original, and in the last post I cropped them all down to the ones I though looked best – mostly in ‘royal’ mode, whatever that is! For this post, I’m posting all the versions per character, (I love how Khan, looks like a perfect Mort Drucker caricature. You’ll see that not all of them quite work! Sometimes in profile, a nose gets nipped! And with with aliens; Balok’s puppet looks like something out of Salvador Dali! However, since so many of them look pretty cool, (We have some gorgeous Diana Muldaur here in both of her Trek roles) that’s a testament to the beautiful photography of TOS! Enjoy, and hope you’re doing well on these blessed summer days. -Therese ❤


Spock has a Secret?

“Queen Thalassa”

Found in the ruins of an baroque mansion in Paris! 😉

So… I got playing with Photoshop… Maybe Thalassa looks like this in Oblivion! 😉

By the way, did you know that “Thalassa” in Greek means ‘Sea’? How appropriate for her beautiful sea green eyes!

Hello Diana Muldaur wherever you are! ❤

We Hold These Truths to be Self-Evident…

(Update: I added a few more people!) 🙂

My Friends, as I post this it is half past midnight on July 5th, 2021. Although July 4th is now yesterday, I wanted to be sure you received my latest collage that I just got the idea for on yesterday — “We Hold These Truths to be Self-Evident…”. My Star Trek salute to American Independence Day.

My fellow Americans, I hope you had a happy and safe July 4th, and that we always treasure and work to the beautiful promise and goal of our Declaration of Independence:

“We Hold These Truths to be Self-Evident, that All Men are Created Equal.”

The beauty of these words became a reality in the Star Trek world. I can only hope we will strive to make it a reality in our time now. We still have a long way to go, but I have faith that we will achieve equality for all; not just Americans, but all around the world. All Humans – Young, Old, Rich Poor, Black, Brown, Yellow, Red, White, Political Party, Straight, Gay, Disabled, Ailing, Sane, Mentally Ill, Free and Incarcerated. It begins with Peace and Kindness.

With Love and Blessings on you All, Therese xo