Tag Archives: The Man Trap

Happy 51st Anniversary to Star Trek TOS!

Today should always be a holiday for Trek fans everywhere!  On this day, September 8, 1966, Star Trek premiered on NBC.  I doubt anyone then thought it would become a milestone in modern science fiction, and glancing at some of these reviews you could see a sense of doubt. But aren’t we lucky that it got on the air after all? To my knowledge, Star Trek was the only network TV series that got two pilots made!

Unfortunately, the original episodes were not shown in shooting order, but rather the first episode the network preferred, which was The Man Trap. (even the artwork for its premiere featured Where No Man has Gone Before!).  Man Trap was a good episode, but not the best offering for a show that was attempting to be seen as serious. Although the Salt Vampire was seen sympathetically, she was still, alas, a monster, and  some early critics saw little potential beyond that, probably laughing it off as another kiddie sci-fi like Lost in Space.  Bit other critics saw potential, and I think if the original Trek wasn’t shoehorned into a cemetery-shift time-slot by its 3rd and final season, it might have made it to a full 5-year journey.

There’s a part of me that would have loved to see the original Trek progress into 5 seasons (up to 1971) but somehow, I think without Roddenberry as the main producer (Fred Freiberger took over in season 3) I suspect it may have gotten worse. Freiberber preferred action over deeper philosophical themes. In a way, we were lucky it ended in 1969, for I doubt it would become the timeless phenomenon it became in the decade long gap between TOS and the first movie.

It was syndication that brought it more to the masses, nation and world-wide, and when more people saw it then, NBC realized what a treasure it cast away. Fortunately for us, we can say the catchphrase which started in the ’70’s with ferocious pride:  “Star Trek Lives!”


50 Years Ago Today, September 8, 1966…

Hard to believe it’s been 50 years ago this very day, September 8, 1966, that a little science fiction show called Star Trek premiered on the NBC television network.  And the world of Sci-Fi entertainment was never the same!

The first episode aired was actually the seventh episode filmed: The Man Trap.  Probably not the most cerebral of Season One episodes, but it did strike a balance between the action associated with the genre and the emotional  strangeness of the unknown. One felt the terror facing  an unknown shape-shifting, salt vampire, but also felt the emotional tug of a last of its species just trying to survive.  We also had the conflicting drama of McCoy’s feelings for his old love, who wasn’t what she seemed.  It’s really a great tragedy, even with it’s campy elements.(Spock belting Nancy is so bizarre, but I know Spock wasn’t fully developed yet!)   I always wished the vampire could have just been stunned instead of killed.

I’m working on a 50th Anniversary poster right now, and hope to have it finished before the day is through.  But for now, here’s my movie-style poster from 2011 for the episode that introduced Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock, Dr. McCoy, and the stalwart crew of the beautiful U.S.S. Enterprise.  Long may she ‘trek’!  Live Long and Prosper!    love, Therese xo





#4 The Man Trap

A little Trek, A little To Tell The Truth, a lot of creepy Nancy!