Tag Archives: donate

Merry Christmas and Thank You!

Hi Everyone!

I hope you are all enjoying this Holiday Season, and that you’ll have a very Happy Christmas and New Year!!

Looks like Harry Mudd has his own version!

I would also like to take a moment to thank all of you, my readers and especially those who subscribe! That means a lot to me! I’m always delighted to see any new subscribers and I’m glad you enjoy it. I created this blog 11 years ago!! And although I hardly ‘trend’ and have never become ‘viral’ I always like hearing from you in comments and hope to hear may more in the future.

I’d be delighted for any donations (see button above or here) to help run this site! I have yet to receive any donations but hope springs eternal!

Celeste Update – Cancer Free at Last!

Cancer FreeFriends, I am so very happy to relay to you Celeste’s latest update.  She is FREE at LAST of CANCER!   She still has the blood clots, and will have to be on blood thinners for 6 months, but the fact that she is free of the stage 3 ovarian cancer is nothing but miraculous.

Celeste, I’m so happy for you, for you have worked so hard through a lot of hell to come out the other side of this.   YOU MADE IT!!!!  And being home with family and friends will surely improve you recovery and the love from all of us is a great hug of support and joy!  (Jumping with joy here!)

Of course, one has to be tested to be sure the cancer will not return, but I’m sure with love and support, it won’t have a chance.  And Friends, PLEASE remember to CONTINUE to SUPPORT Celeste’s cancer fund. Although the big battle of the physical cancer is mostly finished, the financial battle with seemingly endless bills is barely through.   I suspect that the medical bills for all the procedures so far are still trickling in, and there seems to always be yet another treatment or surgical detail to pay for.  Our support will help Celeste and Nazim meet the $50,000 goal.    At this writing, the fund is currently at  $28,41521,585 to go!  Every little bit, even $5 will help. You can donate here.

Thanks so much, and Celeste, Good Luck and God bless you on your continued recovery, and may it never come back.  I know you will truly Love Long and Prosper! -love, Therese xo

Here’s her update from Sunday:

  I’m back home! My huge abdominal surgery was/is 100% successful. My week in hospital following surgery was a rough and painful one HOWEVER the pathology from the exploratory portion came back mid week and confirmed that I am now cancer free!!!!! From stage 3 ovarian cancer last November, then 6 rounds of chemo, to this happy news. This was the best birthday present ever. I still have the blood clots (DVTs) and must take the daily Lovinox injections which is a blood thinner for the next 6 months at least but no other meds are needed except to finish up the antibiotics which I will do tonight. They sent me home with some other meds that are ok to use as needed during the healing process. The healing period will be 3 months.

I will be continuing my entire alternative cancer regime which is extensive, including daily use of the amazing BEMER device ( http://www.bemeramerica.com/artofwellness) which along with my other protocols and supplements such as MOXXOR ( http://www.Moxxart.com) have worked so beautifully along with mainstream 6 rounds of chemotherapy which I finished up in May.

All of your blessings and generosity have been so appreciated. Nazim and I are not only grateful.. we know this wonderful result couldn’t have happened without all of your help.

To keep the cancer away we simply must carry on with all that we are doing which as you know is costly and financially this is so hard on us however I know you will do the very best you can for me by sharing this page …. please know straight from my heart that even a $5 donation is so very helpful that words cannot express adequately what it means to us.

When I got the news of the biopsies all being negative I got up out of the hospital bed after hugging and thanking my beautiful doctor, did a victory lap in the hospital corridor on my walker. I high-fived the nurses as we passed them as I was virtually sobbing from joy. It was an amazing occasion and one not often seen with Ovarian cancer! That is my oh so happy update for now and the best birthday present I could have ever received!

All my love and gratitude to each and everyone of you,



For the LOVE OF SPOCK! Please Contribute-2 Days to Go!!

adam _ dad 60s

Adam with Dad Leonard in the late 60’s

Adam Nimoy’s Kickstarter fund to make the documentary about his Dad Leonard Nimoy and Mister Spock is coming down the wire!

At this writing, the fund is at $537,454.  The Goal is $600,000 and it has to be made by July 1st!  Adam must raise $62,546 within the next 60 hours, not a penny less, or he will lose ALL of his funds pledged so far to make this labor of love.

I made my contribution and I wish I could send more, but I’m hoping that EVERYONE who reads this will contribute whatever they can, for this will be a very special and wonderful documentary, or should I say  ‘Spockumentary’!!

Please donate whatever you can before the deadline of July 1st.  Thanks so much!

Celeste Update: Cautiously Optimistic, One Step Closer to Remission!

Celeste posted a very promising update on her Facebook wall yesterday!  (June 18 — Forgive me for not posting sooner, as I’ve just read it)  Here’s the good news in her words, and Celeste, Good Luck with your scans and ultrasound on Monday!  Our love, prayers, and best wishes are with you for more success and that you will soon beat this cancer for good!

Here’s Celeste’s Post:


Nazim and Celeste at a Star Trek Covention in Las Vegas in 2014.

Celeste Yarnall with Nazim Artist

YAY!!! We just heard the results of my last blood work and everything was completely normal including my cancer markers which come from a test called the CA125.

The genetic testing results are still pending and I get the CAT Scan the Pet Scan and an ultrasound done on Monday. I can’t eat any sugar or starch 24 hours the day before because sugar lights up like a Christmas tree on these tests which is certainly a good indication as to why we want to keep sugar and starch to the best of our ability out of our diets if we have cancer and or want to prevent getting it and other chronic diseases. And then I will be fasting after midnight on Sunday which is the night before and the whole morning for these tests. I can have sips of water, however…I will certainly be hungry and will take a couple of my Orgain protein shakes to have as soon as I am done and then be really ready for LUNCH!!!!

Please keep good positive thoughts for me for these tests as I really like the idea of being officially in remission and if these tests come out good I can relax a little…and truly own the word REMISSION!!!

After the tests I have an appointment with another doctor who will be part of the hernia repair surgery team. So far it looks like it will be ok to schedule it for mid-August which is great because I can heal and get strong and also ATTEND THE STAR TREK CONVENTION IN VEGAS – LIVE LONG AND PROSPER EVERYONE!

This photo was taken last year at the Star Trek convention in Vegas by their wonderful professional photographer who did our photo ops! I hope to see many of you there so we can do a photo booth picture together.

I remain cautiously optimistic.

And Friends, Please Don’t Forget to help Celeste reach the goal of her cancer fund, which is currently at $25,500!  (only $24,500 to go!)

A Celeste Update and a Request from Me (Therese)

it's all in the mindDear Friends,

Could you please do me a favor? In this past month since I suggested it, I have only seen about $70 donated from trekkerscrapbook readers (including my two) and I’m wondering if  perhaps some of my readers here have donated, but have not included the words “trekkerscrapbook’ in their accompanying note?  If any of you out here have donated to Celeste, PLEASE let me know here so I may tally the total up. I am hoping to raise $1500 for Celeste through this site alone, but it is only possible if I know who has donated and how much — the easiest way for me to see this is for you to write “trekkerscrapbook”  or even “TS” in the comment section when you donate.  Please donate early and often! For every little bit helps! When we reach $1500 in donations, I’ll get to have an exclusive interview here with Celeste!   Hope to see a bunch of new donations soon; she’s almost at the 1/2 way point ($25,000)!Thank you!


Celeste left an update last Tuesday (5/19).  She has completed her chemo treatments, but had to have two extra  Neupogen shots Wednesday and Thursday  because her white blood cell count was off (Ugh!)  However, she and Nazim did get out to a lovely outdoor restaurant to relax.  Inch by inch, Dear Lady ❤

Enjoy the new comic to promote her cancer fund – I am also making poster copies of this to promote it around town.  I know we can reach this goal!

As Celeste wrote:

“Just when I was starting to feel better after the last 5 Neupogen shots I got a call from the doctors office regarding my blood work which was drawn yesterday and I have to go back to the hospital infusion center for two more Neupogen shots (Wednesday and Thursday) because my white count is still not normal. That means bone pain for a week following the shots and that means not sleeping well for another week. The fun just keeps coming doesn’t it?”

Celeste Yarnall's photo.

Help Actress Celeste Yarnall Battle Cancer

Prayers and contributions for actress Celeste Yarnall, (we Trekkies remember her as Yeoman Martha Landon in the episode ‘The Apple‘) She is dealing with a rare cancer at this time and you can contribute to help pay for her care through the link below. We Love You, Celeste! Good Luck,  and God bless you!


Celeste as lovely Martha Landon in ‘The Apple’

Nazim and Celeste

Celeste with husband Nazim ❤


LLAP Celeste!