Tag Archives: Vulcan

Sneak Peek of Ethan Peck as Spock!

May 5th can’t come soon enough! Sneak Peek of Star Trek Strange New Worlds Looks like fun! Good Luck Ethan, you sweet guy!

Here’s some stills from the promo (pardon the quality) — I notice a couple of interesting things.

Familiar Font with clever insertion of the delta star.
I think the hair is a bit short on the sides, but it works! Interesting variations on the sideburns (see below)
Captain Pike has a killer quiff!
Uhura’s back! Yay!! And a new style badge!
Of course all the new uniforms will be more sophisticated. Looks like an old style medical scanner there.
The crew quarters look a bit more luxurious
Oh Look, it’s T’Pring!
This looks familiar…Uh Oh!
Deja-vu Part II
It appears in this version, Spock and T’Pring were snuggly as young adults. In TOS it gave the impression that Spock hadn’t seen T’Pring since she was a child.

I am not too concerned about this tweaking of canon. It looks exciting and fun. But I don’t like that delta pillow! I hope this series won’t over-brand itself (seeing the delta everywhere) . I can imagine there will be comparisons galore to TOS, but I will not be aiming to spout a burst of nit-picky whining. Hey, it’s Star Trek! I’m happy. A great escape from the the real world when you need it.

By the way, as to Star Trek sequels, I may be in the the minority here but I love Discovery regardless of its criticism from die-hard fans. In fact, I enjoy pretty much all the variations. (some more than others) A lot of love has gone into them, and I appreciate it!

May Trek LLAP! As long as Paramount doesn’t overdo it! And I dig Spock’s squiggly sideburns.

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My Weekly Spock: Long-Hair Kolinahr Vulcan

movies_star_trek_series_gallery_211230907_10206683728594068_5783889736814641802_nI always thought that the Vulcan sequence at the beginning of ST:TMP was interesting. I wondered why Spock was so determined to shed his human half, what had made him so repulsed by it?  We may never know, although when Spock comes to understand V’Ger, he begins to appreciate his human half more (who could forget his hand holding with Kirk?

11259506_10206683420066355_6303730230726654710_nOther interesting aspects of Spock’s failed Kolinahr ceremony to me were that gigantic red food, which I presume was a statue of a prominent Vulcan (I’m sure there are more readers here who know about it than I)  And of course, Spock’s long hair!  You rock that  Prince Valiant haircut, Mr. Vulcan!

I always thought his robe here was a bit too quarterback-ish, but it became the standard look for high-position Vulcans to come in all the later series.  I preferred the  original Ambassador Sarek look myself!

By the way, the robe Nimoy wore as Spock in the Kohlinar Ceremony went up for auction the other week, but did not sell — I think the seller forgot that many of us don’t have that kind of money!  ($30,000)


Winter Storm “Vulcan” Ends its Wrath…

So, the past few days another in the latest line of snow storms passed over these contiguous 48 states, and as I check in on The Weather Channel occasionally, I see they’ve continued their silly practice of naming these winter storms. (The NOAA does not smile on this).  Indeed, there’s been so many winter storms this season that their list was up to the ‘V’s.

Anyway, as silly as it is that Weather Channel names these storms, I’m sure Trek fans nationwide smiled as this one was named ‘Winter Storm VULCAN’.

As the storm diminished yesterday, meteorologist Kelly Cass and storm specialist Carl Parker chatted about the storm, and as they threw it over to their man Mark Eliot to explain the forecast.  Mark  threw out the Vulcan Peace Sign saying (approximately) “You can give it the Vulcan wave goodbye!”

The next storm they’ll name will begin with W.  You think it might be “William” after Bill Shatner? 😉  Here’s some screen caps I caught.  Note the little sidebars about “The Wrath of Vulcan”, The End of Vulcan”, and “Vulcan Packs the Powder” — there’s a JJ Abrams sequel somewhere in those titles!IMG_8710


Mark Eliot gives the Vulcan Peace Sign

Kind of odd they named it Vulcan, since Vulcans aren’t fond of cold! It would be a great name for a summer heatwave though!

Storm brewing

The Daily Scrapbook 7/19/13 Hippie Spock

Here’s today’s flashback: As Long as we’re talking hair this week, I believe this is from a Star tabloid, don’t think I kept the article, (hated all the bumpy new aliens) but kept this picture because I was totally digging Spock’s Prince Valiant Do’.  Not too thrilled with the football shoulder pads, ( I liked his black tunic much better) but this was a neat scene in the movie.
