Tag Archives: 90

Bill Boldly Went!!! “The Blue Sheet Torn Away!” Shatner the oldest person to go into space! (FULL VIDEO)

I am so happy for William Shatner and the crew of the Blue Origin Rocket Blue Shepard who touched the edge of space yesterday! Bill is now the oldest human at age 90 to go into space. I just wanted to hug him. Enjoy this marvelous footage from the PBS News Hour (with blessedly little commentary from the hosts) as “Captain Kirk” meets reality and this life-changing moment. I have tears of joy watching this, you might too!

In his post flight interview he is clearly overwhelmed by the technical magic he just went through and his most poignant comments involve how thin our blue ‘sheet’ of atmosphere is all there is between us and blackness. He equates it to life and death. Beautiful. Congratulations Bill! SO happy for you.

That Nimoy Collage, and the Catharsis of a Fall.

Gee, making my 90 Birthday Tribute to Mr. Nimoy is taking longer than I thought! I’m still combing through and choosing a million images to format into the piece! So many good pictures, and I find it a bit harder to get it all together. Maybe this is because I think I’m more emotionally invested in Mr. Nimoy that I ever was in Shatner. you know? Patience my friends!

Hope you’re al having a lovely spring week and getting some fresh air! Oh how I love Spring!

Spring is a time of rebirth and reflection. Yet, as I turn 60 at the end of this month, that milestone surely puts one’s time into perspective. As Michelangelo said “There is no greater harm than that of time wasted.”

Scanning the many images of Mr. Nimoy I’ve found, I can see that he nary let a moment go by wasted. Cliche as it may seem, life does seem to pass ever faster for me now. Just when I was getting used to being in my 50s too! I try to make my days useful and active, and I am determined to never take my health for granted. Speaking of which…

As I mentioned recently, I had taken an awful fall a few weeks ago, on Palm Sunday. And as I am pushing this birth milestone, it put me in mind of my own mortality. Here’s what happened:

I had been taking a lovely walk around town, taking lots of pictures of local sites and the industrial area around the old IBM complex here in Endicott NY. But only blocks from home my toe just hit some raised sidewalk and I could see myself falling in slow-motion. Tried to catch myself but to no use, and at the last second, my left temple hit the cement pavement. (Damn!) I rolled onto my back to catch my breath.

Thankfully, I was conscious throughout the whole ordeal, and, as good people are, within minutes two wonderful young men pulled over and helped me through the scary moments. There was Joey, who called my home, and Kyle, who had been in the military and knew all the right questions to ask and advice on what to watch for in the next 24 hours. So thankful for my ‘street angels’. They kept me calm until my family arrived.

An amazing ‘goose-egg’ evolved on my temple within minutes. About two inches big. My son drove me home to wash up then straight to the walk-in which was pretty much empty because of Covid. I had been wearing my mask the whole time, and had had my second vaccination a few weeks earlier, so I wasn’t too concerned. The fact that I was awake through the whole ordeal assured me that I didn’t have a concussion, which was the greatest of my fears. The goose egg lessened over the next few days, but boy, did I have a big purple-donut black eye that lasted just over two weeks. There’s just a tiny black and blue left as I write this; isn’t the human body grand?

As many of you know, I am not a constant blogger here; I usually post 3-4 times a month or less. I like posting about old Trek, making funny collages,and such. In many ways, my art and collages are a bit of a catharsis for me; they make me happy and if I make you smile, that’s good for me! I’ll be posting other interests too, like Old Movies, Costumes, Photography, Crafting, Some Pop Culture, and Travel. Not to mention a good book or two!

I hope I’m lucky to be around in 30 years when I hit 90! Sadly, Mr. Nimoy was taken too soon, but a life well lived carries on in hearts around the world. Meanwhile Shatner seems to be aging in reverse and I have to commend him for being one of the strongest Nonagenarians I know of; as well as beloved David Frankham! (95!)

So while I assemble my Nimoy collage, you may see things here off and on that have nothing to do with Trek, but hey, variety is the spice of Life! I’ll be posting those pre-stumble and fall pictures here shortly. Love to all, Therese. xo

Relax Spock, I’ll be okay!

A Bit Late but no less Sincere- Shatner 90th Birthday Collage!

Hi Everyone! I know I promised this last week, but life happens (I had a nasty fall last week, but I’m fine now) and I finally finished this today. (Working on a belated Nimoy 90th tribute too)

Happy Belated 90th Birthday to Bill Shatner – what a life! I think I’ve captured a moment from all nine decades you’ve been around. If you look closely, you’ll see pictures with a few couplings of Bill with actors he worked with more than once, dappled with some memorable Kirk moments as well as LOTS of humor. I especially like all the “Bills” having a group ‘hug’ at the bottom. Even Spock is having a laugh! So be sure to zoom in to see all the details!

I hope we can all be as sharp and active as The Shat Man is when we hit 90! Best wishes Always, Therese.

Leonard’s Heavenly 90th

Hi Everyone!

As many of you know, today, March 26th, would have been Leonard Nimoy’s 90th Birthday! I haven’t forgotten, and as I am almost done with William Shatner’s 90th Birthday collage, I also working on Leonard’s 90th Birthday Tribute Collage too! I would have had both done today, but I had some glitches with my computer (probably from making so many collages!) But I hope to have them BOTH posted here tomorrow!

By the way, Today, in Honor of Leonard’s 90th, Leonard’s home town of Boston Massachusetts has declared today “Leonard Nimoy Day”! I’d like to think he’s enjoying it from above ❤

This declaration of Leonard Nimoy Day makes me so Happy! ❤

Thank you for your patience, and for now, enjoy this, some of my most favorite photos of Mr. Nimoy ever ! ❤ What a pleasure to have lived in the same time period as he did! Happy Heavenly 90th Birthday Sir! We’ll never forget you! ❤

(I took the photo on the right in 2013, a happy day)
If anyone knows what show this is from…
You can almost hear the laugh.
We’ll always have Paris…
Kitty Love
Most Logical.

William Shatner is 90!!!

Hey Everyone! Before the day ends I have to send a birthday greeting to the one and only William Shatner who, as of today, is an official Nonagenarian! Happy Birthday Bill, and I hope I’m as active as you when I hit your age!!

I am working on a collage to commemorate Bill’s milestone, but for now, a few pics of this delightful man, who probably never imagined he’d become an icon to millions. I will post the new collage tomorrow! 3/23!