Category Archives: Fan Art Fridays (FArFri)

A collection of all the great Star Trek art I find on the Internet!

FArF: The Beatles and Mr. Spock

I came across this a while back, and since today would have been the 75th birthday of John Lennon, it seems the right day to present it!   I think Spock would have grokked The Beatles!  What a pleasure to have two of my great joys in the same artistic universe!  Unfortunately, I do not know the artist, and as you can see, all the original prints of this were sold out — but at least I have this image!   🙂   (To see more Beatle-flavored Trek stuff, see here, here, here, here, here, and here.beatles_1_soldout

FArF: Shatvision!

Fan Art Friday is back! Here to give you your Trek art fix every week!

I don’t know who made this, but it screams late 60’s early 70’s  ad copy!  Note the intense mini-Kirks around the edges and that the the goggles are 100% Dylithium Crystal Clear!   Brilliant!

(And if anyone knows who made this, let me know, I want to credit them!)


FArF: “Ladies of Kirk” by Kelley McMorris (kelleybean86)

I love these splendid images of all the colorful women that Jim Kirk kissed by artist Kelley McMorris (kelleybean86)!  They all bring the brilliant color and style of the original costumes back to life,  and adding a quote from each is the cherry on top!

I hope she’ll do all the ladies of Kirk, and Spock’s too! (She’s GOT to do Droxine!)

You can see all of her work and much more on Kelley’s Tumblr blog here:   And Kelley will be starting a Kickstarter to get a book “Ladies of Kirk” a reality soon!   Good Luck Kelley, and thanks for all of your beautiful work!


FArFri: Emushi loves Catpain Kirk

Artist Emushi really loves Captain Kirk, as you can see here in his excellent watercolors.  Any artist knows that Bill Shatner is kind of  hard to draw, but Emushi pulls it off easily in these pieces, even in the first ‘doodle’.


Captain Kirk Doodle by Emushi


Blue Kirk by Emushi

FArFRi: Dramatic Fan Fic Art by June in Blue

Here’s an incredible piece  which appears to be from fan fiction by artist June in Blue (thanks for finding that info Karen Bailey Wisecarver!)

Is Kirk dying?  Is Spock mind-melding with him? Probably one of the most dramatic pieces I’ve ever seen.  Beautiful if sad. The body types and faces of the actors are right on the mark.   (And of course Kirk’s shirt is well torn!)


FArFri: Spock Mind Melds with Nixon by Doug Little

I thought this was pretty funny — notice Spock’s burning ears!   By  Doug Little.  😀


FArFri: Spock with Kitty Isis

I love this.  I bet when Spock finally retired he had a few cats!   Unfortunately, I don’t have the artists’ name on file, but I’ll amend it when I find it!


FArF: Stained Glass Trek (by Me!)

Hey Kids,

I’ve always been fascinated by the beautiful use of light and color on the Original Series.  Those colored gels on what were really just grey walls gave the series a magical, yet cozy feel.  For a sci-fi show on a tight budget, it gave the whole series a special nuance of calm; like stained glass windows in a church.

Inspired by this lighting magic, I started playing around with images on Photoshop the other night and created these ‘stained-glass’ images. I kept the faces clear of lines so as not to distract from their beauty.

I bet I’ll do a lot of these! (I’m even giving them their own category).Here’s Spock from Whom Gods Destroy and Uhura from The Tholian Web.

Enjoy the serenity, Therese ❤

Spock-Whom Gods Destroy copyUhura -The Tholian Web copy

FArFri: Trek Through The Eyes of Cartoonists.

Occasionally we have seen Trek in various forms through satirist cartoon — here are a few funnies I found this week. Bloom County was a wonderful comic that I miss dearly,  ‘Far Side’ was pure genius, and This Modern World (by Tom Tomorrow) ties Trek into its deliciously acerbic political parodies. (it totally nails the modern obsession with all things I-Phone)  Glenn and Gary McCoy have  The Far Side  style cartoon of The Flying McCoys.  (Makes sense!) Even Donald Duck gets into the action here  but I have no idea where it came from) Enjoy! (Disney better not buy Trek too!)

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FArF: Star Trek ala Pixar! by Phil Postma

You know, these might just make a pretty funny Pixar movie!  From artist Phil Postma.  These are really quite brilliant (although I think Spock could have been a bit handsomer) — Kirk definitely has a Mr. Incredible vibe, and McCoy looks like Bob Parr’s nasty boss Gilbert Huph.  Uhura  and the Green Orion are definitely in the Mirage mode! The Romulan looks so bored,  I love these — Hey Pixar, THIS is you’re next movie (after Incredibles 2, of course!)  You can find these at Minion Factory. Bravo!