Tag Archives: The Roddenberry Vault

My Weekly Spock: Happy New Year Smiling Spock-tacular!

Hey Kids,

No matter what this new year brings, you gotta start your day with a smile!  Here’s some previously unseen out-take Spock smiles from the new blu-ray The Roddenberry Vault! (I got it for Christmas! Will review soon!)  Wishing you all a blessed and healthy new year! Love, Therese

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Wideo Wednesday – More bits from The Roddenberry Vault!

Holy Cow – McCoy kissed Yeoman Barrows!   I can’t wait to see what other gems this video will reveal!  You also see some smiling Nimoy here ❤

Here’s an image capture off my computer of McCoy kissing Yeoman Barrows. It’s a deleted scene from ‘Shore Leave’ taken from the new Blu-Ray disc “The Roddenberry Vault’