Tag Archives: Great Britain

Hat-tily Ever After

Starting today, Great Britain and the United Kingdom began celebrating the remarkable and historic 70-year reign of Queen Elizabeth II of the House of Windsor. The Queen is a strong and caring monarch, and has done her job with honor for the most part in her seven decade reign. She is truly amazing and greatly loved.

In honor of Her Majesty’s personal milestone, I started creating this collage about 2 months ago. I was going to originally call this piece “She Never Lost a Hat”, but the above title was a good pun on the fairy tale aspect of her life.

And this is just a fraction of the magnificent millinery she’s worn over the years!

I have a cute story about The Queen. Wa-a-a-a-ay back in the before-time of 1986, I was living in London on a 6 month student work permit. (I also went because I had a beau there at the time). Anyway, one night after work I was in Victoria Station when I noticed crowds gathering near one of the terminals.

“What’s going on?”

“The Queen will be coming through at any time to catch the train north!” (to Balmoral in Scotland)

Oh my gosh, I couldn’t miss this. So I scooted down the stretch where her special car would be passing. I intentionally went al-l-l-l the way to the very end of the line facing the route so I’d be sure to see her. Of course, this was years before cell phones became a reality, so I couldn’t get a picture. Yet I like to think my experience as delightfully my own, and my memory of the next moment is ingrained in my memory stronger than any photo!

Soon there came her special black limousine with its tall windows which allowed easy viewing (if lack of privacy) to its Royal cargo, the miniature Queen’s Standard flapping from its roof. And just as she was about to pass me at the end, I didn’t just wave; I jumped into the air, my arms thrown out wide in greeting. Thankfully she was facing my side of the route. She was dressed in bright yellow, and in the millisecond of my enthusiastic greeting, I saw her just a touch taken aback, nodded with a small smile and gave me her famous queenly wave!

And that wave was all mine, because I was the only one left in line to wave at, so I’ll always treasure that!

Congratulations Ma’am! Long Live the Queen! *

*Of course, Prince Charles is next in line. But I wish some way the family could just give the Monarchy to Princess Anne, the Princess Royal. She would make a great queen.