Have You Heard ‘Enterprise Incidents’ with Scott and Steve? Get this Podcast NOW!

Hi Everyone,

I recently became acquainted with a remarkable podcast that debuted last year and I am enjoying it SO MUCH!

Enterprise Incidents with Scott and Steve, is the best thing to happen to Original Series fans since Star Trek Continues! No, it’s not a fan series, but even better; two super Trek fans ‘deep diving’ into all of the original 79 episodes.

Scott Mantz is an award winning Film Critic and host of moviemantz.com. Steve Morris is a Film maker and film historian as well as the host of The Cine-Files. Between these two movie-loving wizards, one gets insights into TOS that they may have never considered before!

And best of all, they are reviewing each episode in production order; that is the way they were originally produced, not aired. (Like the way I created all my Star Trek posters!) This gives the listener a chance to grow along with Trek as it buds into the first real adult-themed science fiction drama. This was no Captain Video or Lost in Space, it was truly first drama series set in space, often mirroring the turbulent times in which it was created, with with modern commentaries wrapped in the wings of sci-fi. We see how the characters develop week to week, and how (thankfully) some ideas were rejected (so glad Spock was not painted red!).

Scott and Steve are several years younger than I am, and like them, I am part of what they have cleverly dubbed “The Syndication Generation”. These were the middle-schoolers and teens that caught up with Star Trek when it first hit syndication in the early 70s. And as you may know, it was the syndication of Trek that launched it into the TV legend it is today!

I totally identify with these guys. When I hear their excited and almost brotherly banter, I’m thinking – “Yes! Yes! That’s what I thought too!” They each have a backlog of Trek minutiae, but their clear love and devotion to TOS will make any fan feel right at home. But the most astonishing thing about these dives is how much even die-hard fans will find new and enlightening about Trek.

Consider this — You learn not only what went on during productions of TOS, but what real-life events were happening the week of that production and sometimes how it affected the stories. I have also learned some of the production lingo – like a musical “sting” which is when you hear a blast of music at a tense time in the drama (often just before a commercial break).*

They also consider points like the following:

How different the series was in The Cage and what a different series it would have been had the the first pilot had become the series. (Honestly, although The Cage was brilliant, Jeffrey Hunter as Captain Pike would have given it a totally different vibe).

What would have happened to Yeoman Rand if Grace Lee Whitney wasn’t (shamefully) fired? Consider all the stories that involved Yeoman’s in season 1 after she left; a LOT of these stories were originally written for Yeoman Rand, which surely would have given her a much stronger presence, not to mention a closer relationship with Captain Kirk.

What single direction did Leonard Nimoy receive early on gave him great insight into the Spock character?

Was Lieutenant Charlene Masters supposed to fall in love with Lazarus?

Was Lt. Kevin Riley supposed to be a regular character?

Why didn’t they just use a shuttlecraft in The Enemy Within? (that’s easy!)

One thing I really love about the podcast is how these two dive into the often incredible dialogue and mindsets of the characters that one may have never noticed before or forgot. You’ll be delighted to hear their insights into how and why episodes were written and produced, and these guys pull no punches either. If there is an episode they love, you’ll know, and if it’s one that that they consider the worst, they tastefully and succinctly describe how and where it went wrong and how it could have been so much better under different circumstances. But regardless of quality, they clearly LOVE The Original Series.

I do wish we could also have a female point of view here — but they have occasional guests, and I haven’t heard all the episodes yet** so they might have a woman on in the future. — Heck, I’d LOVE to have a deep dive into TOS with these guys! Gentleman, I congratulate you on this fine euphoric podcast!

So hop on board with Scott and Steve – you’ll be in Trekkie heaven!

Drinking game – You’ll have to swig a Tranya whenever you hear “You’re so right!” and “I agree 100%!” 😉

  • * My Son is taking film-making and it helps me to understand his courses!
  • **I’m up to episode 15 – Court Martial.

Happy New Year from Trekker Scrapbook! Adventures with a Spock Doll.

Hi Everyone! Hoping you had a fun New Year’s Eve and are enjoying a restful first day of 2022! I bet a lot of you watch football. I don’t, but for some reason, well…

Last week for Christmas I received this marvelous 1:6 Spock Head from a dealer on eBay. I knew I couldn’t afford the entire doll, but I could buy a separate body for him on-line and the whole thing would be a fraction of the price of the original.

So first, here’s the marvelous head, that looks so much like Nimoy as Spock it’s astonishing; right down to the tiny extra nub of flesh below his right ear!

Almost creepy, isn’t it? (dealer picture)

Knowing I was going to receive this for Christmas (okay, I bought it and my husband paid for it!) I started looking into little civillian clothes for my new wee Spock. I hadn’t bought a body for him yet, but I figured I could just buy Ken doll body for him and stick it on. Little did I know…

I found an adorable vintage football outfit for a Ken Doll from the early 60’s. Even though I don’t do football, I thought this would be fun for Spock to wear, as I looked forward to dressing and displaying him in un-Spockly fashion. This was a bargain for all the pieces as it wasn’t in the original packaging:

There was a little spot on the 7,but I could fix that. The rubber shoulder pads and helmet cracked me up.

Oh dear, then it was like a can of Pringles… I had to find a few more outfits. Then I had to find a body to add the head to. I found a cheap GI Joe that looked suitable, and a cool vintage Ken Navy blue velvet blazer, a Ken red shawl neck sweater, a Ken collegiate Letterman cardigan and even Ken pajamas! My Spock would be the best dressed ever!

Not so fast.

First, I couldn’t get the head off of the GI Joe, and I didn’t want to ruin it, so he’s back in the box until I sell him. So I delved into the world of 1:6th scale action doll figures, and I found a model that was compatible with the Spock head. So when it arrived, the body had several sets of hands and that could be attached, but the feet weren’t attached either. I got the hands on okay, but the feet were tricky. My husband got them on, but the first time he got them on backward!

So just in time for today, I thought I’d gear up Spock in the ol’ Ken Football uniform. Well, the rubber shoulder pads worked, and I got the red jersey over it, but alas, these 1:6 models are much more muscular in the arms and legs than any early Ken doll would ever be – and the pants were too small for these legs! And not just that — the socks and cleats (shoes) were too small too!! So all the tops for the figure could fit, but not the pants! I’m already searching for appropriate 1:6 jeans and such. I promised myself this won’t be a new obsession. Well not much.

I guess I’ll be selling back the football outfit on eBay, but at least I got a couple cute pics of Spock ready for the gridiron — at least from the waist up!

HA -ha ha ha ha!

I gotta say, the little rubber helmet is just adorable on him. Reminds me of the small role Nimoy had in “Francis Goes to West Point“!

Happy New Year Everyone! Stay safe and well! -Therese xo

Happy First Day of Christmas!

Hi Everyone,

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas Day! As it ends (only 20 minutes left!) I finally finished this Collage I worked on when I could! But since Christmas is technically 12 days, I hope you will all continue to enjoy this beautiful season! Looks like Kirk left the Holiday storage compartment open!

Love to all, Therese 🙂

My Pink Christmas Wonderland!

Hello Everyone!

I’ve always liked vintage Christmas cards from around the mid-century, and I had noticed that a lot of them have a pink theme to them, making them extra cheery and even soothing. I wondered, was this a creative ploy to attract women to Christmas cards to go along with their pink stoves and refrigerators? How did pink sneak into the palette of overwhelming Red and Green of the season? According to Kate Smith, a color expert,consultant and designer :

“Pink has been definitively linked to toning down aggression, and its use in holding cells for violent criminals has been quite effective…Pink symbolizes youth, good health, and playfulness. It’s the flush of first love and stands for nurturing femininity. It’s used as the symbolic color of the movement to support breast cancer research, and we think of pink as an innocent, cheerful color.”

I also found this: According to the website Christmas Around the World,Pink represents the following:

“As a color of advent, pink or rose is used during Gaudete Sunday, or the third Sunday of Advent in the Catholic Church. The color pink doesn’t just represent love and joy, but also reveal the shift of the season from repentance towards celebration. The candle of joy or the Shepherd candle, which happens to be the third Advent wreath candle is pink in color.”

Of course Red and Green represent the sacrifice and birth of Jesus, but pink reminds us innocence and love, and that Christmas is coming (sometimes too soon!) It’s a time to celebrate. The pink-infused Christmas greetings of the past mid-century surely instill a sense of calm. It is a soft color of tenderness and affection. Yet pink creeped into our Christmas pallet long before then. In some Victorian images, Father Christmas was portrayed in pink. Maybe pink recalls sunrise or sunset on the sparkling snow. But I think over all that the idea of a ‘Pink Christmas” just came about because it’s so darn pretty! It’s a happy candy-colored fantasy, and truly makes for a joyful statement.

All these pink images peppered my imagination with ideas of a Pink Christmas Wonderland Collage, and here was the result. I gotta get my tree up! Have a safe and beautiful Christmastime everyone and may all your Christmases have some Pink!

If this page looks goofy… any suggestions?

Hi Everyone,

If this page looks a bit goofy to you, I understand. I’ve been trying to upgrade it with a “Buy Me A Coffee” button so I can accept little donations to help me pay for this site. I upgraded my membership with WordPress (a whopping $300+ for two years) so I could install the ‘coffee’ widget button However at present I haven’t figured out how to have the button actually appear on the page!

As you can see, all the ‘widgits’ that usually appear on either sides of the central column of text here have now all been shoved to the side, and I haven’t figured out yet how to put them back. It also changed the background color to the new articles to yellow instead of deep purple. (Huh?) All I wanted to do was to add the button at the top of the page, but when I added it, it only gives me a link (that I can only see here in my editing section) to a separate page which seems to to be starting a whole new blog page! –Not what I had in mind.

I am now wondering if I should just transfer this 10 years of posting to the new page or what? I don’t really want to change what I had here originally.

My two computer-whiz sons will be helping me with this. But if any of you have blogs here on WordPress could you send me any suggestions? Help!

In the meantime, I am writing bits that I will post them here soon, and I appreciate your patience!

Hope you’re staying well and having a lovely holiday season! I will have more posts up before Christmas! -Therese ❤

Happy Holidays Everyone! (A Cosmic Crossover!)

Hello my friends! I give you all my best wishes for a beautiful holiday season! Don’t worry George, it’s Christmastime! Love, Therese xo

Life is Good, with Buddy

Hi Everyone,

Pardon me for not writing in a while, but we have been busy getting ready for our new family member: Buddy!

As you may recall, I tragically lost my brother John to Covid at the end of August. As I slowly manage my grief for my poor brother, my heart is soothed by his beloved cat, Buddy, whom we have now adopted.

Yes, last Saturday was our Caturday, and honestly, Buddy is the most affectionate cat I have ever known in my life. He loves to snuggle, and I suspect part of that is because he misses John, but I know that John trained him well to be a sweet, caring cat. He is very fastidious, and doesn’t claw the furniture. He knows the meaning of ‘No, Buddy!’ but rarely needs to be scolded.

He is just a love bug, and I feel John’s spirit in him. If there is any silver lining from losing my brother, it is this little fluffy gift of love! Buddy may not know it, but he’s my therapy cat, and I think we’re all his therapy humans!

May you all find the joy of a good furry friend ❤ . Thanks for your support.

And he has excellent taste! 😉

Hey, That Guy Was on Star Trek! (Halloween Edition) Blacula! (Gallery/Video)

Happy Halloween everyone! I’ve been saving up screencaps off of my TV whenever a Trek guest star appears in a different movie or TV Show, and what could be better for this season than the classic Blacula which featured four Trek guests!

Blacula was one in a series of ‘Blaxploitation’ films in the early seventies. Movies like Shaft and Foxy Brown may have seemed a bit over the top, but that was the point! These thrillers also helped to open more film opportunities for writers, actors, producers, and directors of color in the United States. 🙂

Blacula is a slightly goofy take on the original, although it alternates between low seriousness and high camp. It’s quite good, and sometimes touching.

It begins with the most used lightning flash special effect in all of Hollywood, then informs us that this is Transylvania in 1780.

Which is a bit surprising since the fine Prince Mamuwalde (William Marshall, whom we know as Dr Daystrom in The Ultimate Computer) and his beautiful wife Luva, (Vonetta McGee) look like they just stepped out of 70s fashion magazine.

They are greeted and wined by Count Dracula played by Charles Macaulay, who was Landru in Return of Archons and Jaris in Wolf in the Fold! You man have noticed that Dracula is wearing Trelane’s fancy coat! (I think Trelane wore it better!)

Prince Mamuwalde is hoping that Count Dracula will help him end the slave trade in Africa, but Dracula won’t bite — at least not that! He summons his vampire wives, kills Luva, and bites the poor prince Mamualde, making him into a vampire forever.

Jump ahead to the 1970s, where a painfully stereotypical gay couple buy an ancient coffin for their interior design business. Little do they know what cargo they have unearthed…

Drac is back, baby! But in a much cooler flavor-Blacula!! He makes quick work of the couple, and discovers Lisa, who is the spitting image of his beloved wife, Luva.

Now everyday Blacula by day is quite a suave charmer, but when he transforms he gets extra fuzzy. Paging Lieutenant Gordon Thomas (Thalmus Rasulala), who would later play Capt. Donald Varley in the ST:TNG episode Contagion. (He kept the funky mustache)

From here, all hell breaks lose, as Blacula feeds his cravings while denying how much he wants Lisa; creating more vampires along the way. At one point we end up in a mental asylum where Sam works. Sam is no other than veteran character actor Elisha Cook Jr., whom Trek fans will remember as Samuel Cogley, Defense Lawyer, in Court Martial. What could possible go wrong? Oh…right.

So… Will Blacula find true love and survive the LA police? Well, there were a few sequels…For now, here’s a great interview with William Marshall. How I love his voice! Enjoy!

In Honor of Bill’s Flight: “Jim Had a Dream”

Well, I just couldn’t resist!

Bill Boldly Went!!! “The Blue Sheet Torn Away!” Shatner the oldest person to go into space! (FULL VIDEO)

I am so happy for William Shatner and the crew of the Blue Origin Rocket Blue Shepard who touched the edge of space yesterday! Bill is now the oldest human at age 90 to go into space. I just wanted to hug him. Enjoy this marvelous footage from the PBS News Hour (with blessedly little commentary from the hosts) as “Captain Kirk” meets reality and this life-changing moment. I have tears of joy watching this, you might too!

In his post flight interview he is clearly overwhelmed by the technical magic he just went through and his most poignant comments involve how thin our blue ‘sheet’ of atmosphere is all there is between us and blackness. He equates it to life and death. Beautiful. Congratulations Bill! SO happy for you.