Category Archives: My Star Trek Posters

My 300th Post! Here’s to the 430!

Hey Kids!

I was glancing through my archives this weekend and I realized that I had just posted article #299 this past Friday, and my next would be #300!  I figured I better do something special for this little occasion, so I finished a collage that I’ve been working on for a few months now. probably my most ambitious yet — Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce to you — The 430! (be sure to click on it for detail:  I tried to add every notable crew member I could find!)

the 430 poster copy

#30 ‘Catspaw’

Just in time for Halloween!  My 30th Trek poster, and the first episode filmed for Season 2,  Catspaw

#29 Operation Annihilate!

Yay! My final poster for Season 1 of Star Trek!  It took me a while to figure out how I’d portray this episode;  I considered using the flying parasites, but that seemed too cliché.  Then I considered the one line of Spock’s that really told the story of all the victims in the episode, and I’m very pleased with how it came out.

Season 2 coming soon!

#28 The City On The Edge of Forever.

Here’s #28, The City On the Edge of Forever.   I aimed at a different approach here, as most of the story is set in the past in Manhattan.  At a glance you may not know it’s a Star Trek episode, and that’s just the effect I wanted.

Trek Poster # 27 — Errand of Mercy

Here’s my latest Star Trek Movie Poster!  I’m happy to report that I did finish Season 1 over my extended break!  You can see the rest here.

George (Takei) of the Jungle!

I’m a week early here, but I just posted this on FB and I wanted it to be here too!  Enjoy!   George had a section on his Facebook page called “If I ran Hollywood”  and it inspired me to make this! (Naturally!)  I don’t know if George will keep it there, but I hope he likes it!  See you next Monday – Therese

Poster #26 — The Devil In the Dark

Another poster for Season 1! This time I stated it from the Horta’s point of view, and note how I made Spock’s eyes glow creepily as one’s might in the dark.  Since we are the scarier of the species, it seemed appropriate.

Poster # 25 — This Side of Paradise

I haven’t had time to make one of these since March, but I hope to finish Season One by the end of summer!  One of my favorite episodes of all time.  Jill Ireland was so lovely, and the goodbye scene between Spock and Leila was so heartbreaking, yet tender.  Ireland is  missed, Kudos to Nimoy for keeping it real.

Poster # 25 — This Side of Paradise

I haven’t had time to make one of these since March, but I hope to finish Season One by the end of summer!  One of my favorite episodes of all time.  Jill Ireland was so lovely, and the goodbye scene between Spock and Leila was so heartbreaking, yet tender.  Ireland is  missed, Kudos to Nimoy for keeping it real.

Hi All!

Hey kids,   We’re coming down the wire for the end of school, it is only 6 days away! That’s early for my area, but the kids had no snow days this year, only two ‘flood’ days at the beginning after the remnants of Hurricane Lee swept through.   It’s a busy time, and I’m off again to NYC this Sunday for a Mad Men Finale Party so I haven’t had much time for posting.  However, I just started a tumblr blog last week and please be sure to check it out! It has a lot of my favorite things on it, and I’ve named it Tess’s Tresses.  I’m also working for my old movie reviews for Basket of Kisses, and I hope you’ll check these out too! I’m also finishing the  latest in my Star Trek Movie Poster series that you’ll be seeing next week, and Weekly Spock on Monday,  so stay tuned! I haven’t forgotten you!