“Olympic Smoker” Nimoy on Piers Morgan (Partial VIDEO)

IMG_8557Hey Kids,

Mr. Nimoy gave a fine and heartfelt interview on CNN last night with Piers Morgan.  In this segment he talks about how he was an ‘Olympic Smoker’ and the ignorance of tobacco dangers when he was young.  Here’s that part of the interview’;  I hope to get the full interview up later.   He did great! Rock on, Grandpa.


6 responses to ““Olympic Smoker” Nimoy on Piers Morgan (Partial VIDEO)

  1. I’d be really happy if you posted the full interview. I’ve only seen this excerpt. Thanks.


  2. I thought he looked pretty good–except for that awful coughing.


  3. My mom had COPD, along with a host of other heart & lung ailments stemming from smoking for 60 years. She still made it to 88. I think Lenoard has had this condition for some time and it worsened until it became public on that plane landing. Live long, Leonard. I’m sending as much good karma as I can at ya.


    • Sorry about your Mom ❤ I suspect he's had it a while too, but his attitude is wonderful. And he's helping others to quit or never start with his openness about it. LLAP Leonard — I hope he will make it at least to the 50th Anniversary of Trek and beyond.


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