Tag Archives: kitty

Life is Good, with Buddy

Hi Everyone,

Pardon me for not writing in a while, but we have been busy getting ready for our new family member: Buddy!

As you may recall, I tragically lost my brother John to Covid at the end of August. As I slowly manage my grief for my poor brother, my heart is soothed by his beloved cat, Buddy, whom we have now adopted.

Yes, last Saturday was our Caturday, and honestly, Buddy is the most affectionate cat I have ever known in my life. He loves to snuggle, and I suspect part of that is because he misses John, but I know that John trained him well to be a sweet, caring cat. He is very fastidious, and doesn’t claw the furniture. He knows the meaning of ‘No, Buddy!’ but rarely needs to be scolded.

He is just a love bug, and I feel John’s spirit in him. If there is any silver lining from losing my brother, it is this little fluffy gift of love! Buddy may not know it, but he’s my therapy cat, and I think we’re all his therapy humans!

May you all find the joy of a good furry friend ❤ . Thanks for your support.

And he has excellent taste! 😉

Happy Leap Day!

Today is February 29th! Only comes every 4 years — so make the most of your extra day! Poor Spock has found his way onto a planet of giant furniture and cats! (I took this action picture of my sister’s cat Chester in January!)

leap day 2016