New Feature! Name that Episode!

I thought it would be fun to add a game feature here to keep your memories jogged!  I’ll post a few obscure pictures from TOS about once a week and see if you can identify them  If many of you (like me) have watched the original 79 at least a few dozen times in your life, this shouldn’t be hard, but I’ll start with some easy ones this time!

Send Your Answers to:

I will post the answers with next week’s puzzle!

Thanks for you patience waiting for new stuff; it’s been a busy month!  More coming soon! -Therese 🙂

Episode 1:




Episode 2:


Episode 3:

5 responses to “New Feature! Name that Episode!

  1. I wasn’t sure if I should leave a comment here with my answers.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great gobs! Totally clueess here. lol


  3. I think the one of Spock was used in the end credits. It looks familiar.


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