Prayers for Celeste Yarnall – Now in Hospice

Dear Friends,

Our dear friend and lovely human being Celeste Yarnall (Yeoman Martha Landon in ‘The Apple”) going through an absolute hellish time right now.  As you may recall from my previous posts, Celeste has been dealing with Ovarian Cancer for several years now, and although she is now free of her ovarian cancer, the damned disease has now claimed her lungs.  And she is now receiving home and hospice care for her condition.  And praying for a miracle.

As Celeste wrote a few days ago:

Today a decision was made to set up home hospice for me with palliative care and of course my beloved husband Nazim is the most amazing angel on the planet and is right by my side as is my wonderful daughter and sone in law but these folks can give me IV fluids, pain meds and we soon find out what else they can do.

We’ve increased my oxygen flow but the cough, spasms and suffocating mucus along with the pain in my chest has made my life absolutely miserable.

I’ve not been able to sleep…

This is heartbreaking for me.  I’ve been friends with Celeste through FB for several years now, and I have enjoyed supporting her cancer fund, and sending her little collages with her Trek character and messaging each other from time to time.  She is an amazing woman with a big smile and an even bigger heart.  I am so happy and honored to know her, and thankful for her friendship, especially as I was also dealing with a (much smaller) case of breast cancer in 2014 (now 4 years clear, amen).

I am so very sad to hear that she is going through hellish coughing spells that make it difficult for her to speak and sleep.  I ask you all to please pray very hard for Celeste, her family, friends,  and her beloved daughter Cami,  and husband Nazim, who have been her rock all this time.

And Celeste I hope you know that I’m praying for you too, and that I am so thankful to know you are my friend. You have often referred to me as ‘your angel’, please know that you are MY angel too, and I, and all the readers here at Trekker Scrapbook love you too.  Sending many hugs and healing thoughts and prayers. Rest well and know you are surrounded by LOVE.

And friends, please remember to contribute to Celeste’s cancer fund, to help with her health services.

6 responses to “Prayers for Celeste Yarnall – Now in Hospice

  1. My ex knows a woman that had breast and lung cancer, was spreading fast. My ex started bringing her a quart of home brewed Dandelion root tea every day for three months. When this woman went back to her doctors they were stunned, they ran additional tests to be sure , her breast cancer was completely gone, her lung cancer followed. There is more info on the University of Windsor web site, they have been doing human trials. There is also info on the NIH library web site.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Your welcome! Should also mention that you can buy Dandelion root extract in concentrated form from Amazon and Ebay. I hope this helps!

    Liked by 1 person

    • She’s always been very into Paleo diets and such. But now the cough is so bad it’s even hard to eat and drink. Our poor friend. Just praying for a miracle. The minute I read hospice I knew it was less about getting better than just living as comfortable as one can as they wait for the inevitable. I pray that we will hear from her eventually. Keep praying.


  3. Sad to here of her death, I was lucky to meet her, at a convention in England in the early nineties, Rest in pierce ❤️🖖


  4. Sorry for this loss, have been doing my best to spread the word about the Dandelion Root connection and cancer.


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